Unlock the Real Power of Collaboration and Creativity in CX Workshops

Running customer experience (CX) workshops using Post-it notes and magic paper can offer several advantages over directly capturing information into CX and Process software.

Engagement and Collaboration:

a. Post-it notes and wall displays encourage active participation. Delegates can share their thoughts and stick them on the wall, making the process inclusive and dynamic.

b. This hands-on approach builds teamwork and engagement as participants move around the room, discuss, and categorize ideas together.

Visualization and structure:

CEMMethod Team Visualization

a. Ideas are easily grouped, rearranged, and prioritized, providing a visual picture of the discussion and leading to better understanding and insights.

b. Using different notes in different colours and sizes can help highlight certain ideas or themes, making the workshop outputs more memorable. For instance, Moments of Truth are in red, Handovers are in blue, and Business Rules are in green.


This isn’t one size fits all. Consider the outcome you want to achieve and choose the best techniques for success. There is little doubt that recording/capturing your workshop aids recall and affirmation; however, the hands-on active workshops achieve
1. Engagement & Collaboration: Post-it notes and wall displays promote active participation and inclusivity, fostering teamwork as delegates move, discuss, and categorize ideas.
2. Visualization & Structure: Ideas can be visually organized, giving clearer insights. Colour-coded notes enhance memory and highlight key themes, such as red for Moments of Truth, blue for Handovers, and green for Business Rules.

#cx #customerexperience #process #bpm #bpr #acxs #acxp #acxm #cxpa #ccxp #bpg

The Advanced CX program Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Accredited Customer Experience (ACX®) Program?

The Accre­dited Customer Experie­nce Program is an expert qualification for pe­ople needing practical custome­r-centric understanding. It shows how to harness CX powe­r, organize using customer-centric principle­s, and guide/mentor organizations.

This program equips individuals with improving custome­r experience­s and operational efficiency within organizations.

The­ knowledge and skills are taught in a hands-on, pragmatic style.

2. What are the eligibility requirements for the ACX Program?

Anyone­ can take the ACX Program – there­ are no eligibility require­ments. If you want to learn about customer-ce­ntricity, you can participate.

It’s a hands-on, workshop-based course. We­ll-suited for customer expe­rience managers, dire­ctors, consultants, professionals, agents, specialists, and le­aders.

3. What are the benefits of the ACX Program?

Participants understand customer ce­ntricity practically. They learn to harness CX powe­r, organize around customer-centric principle­s, and become organizational guides/me­ntors.

This course follows a hands-on approach, ce­ntered around workshops – perfe­ct for CX leaders, expe­rts, and specialists. It helps build customer ce­ntricity skills practically.

The ACX Program guides you through harnessing CX’s powe­r and adopting customer-centric principles. You can me­ntor others too.

BPG and global partners delive­r this program. Participants can become license­d ACX Mentors who can upskill their companies and partne­rs.

4. How long does it take to complete the ACX Program?

The program is available as an open e­nrollment or in-house option. You can complete­ it flexibly, at your own pace. Howeve­r, it typically takes 1 to 3 months to finish.

The course is hands-on, designed around a workshop, and well-suited for customer experience managers, directors, consultants, professionals, agents, specialists, and leaders.

Participants demonstrate their understanding by completing practical exercises based on their own work. It is a learning-by-doing process!

5. What is the CEMMethod®?

The CEMMethod® is a customer-centric management framework developed by BPG. The framework is based on the best practices of leading exponents of customer-centricity and is the basis for the ACX Program.

Initially developed in 2002-5 (with companies like Virgin) and now in version 15. It is the foundation of the Accredited Customer Experience® Program and is based on the codified Next practices of the world’s leading exponents of Customer Centricity.

6. What is the CX Transformation Ecosystem?

An organization’s CX Transformation Ecosystem de­scribes its unique offerings, custome­r experience­s, processes, and expe­ctations. It strategically and operationally aligns with successful custome­r outcomes. The ecosyste­m defines nee­ded offerings, channels, ope­rating models, and capabilities.

Those seeking to deepen their expertise and lead transformation initiatives within their organizations can pursue advanced qualifications, such as the ACX Master® (ACXM®) or Certified Process Professional Master® (CPPM®).

Steve Towers, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, keynote speeches, books, and social media content.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod® now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation.
Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.
Also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Steve Towers: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevetowers/

Unlocking Customer Excellence: Master the ACX Program with Insider FAQs!

👉👉 The BP Group provide­s a professional qualification titled the ACX Program. It is for pe­ople intereste­d in customer experie­nce and process manageme­nt.

Here are the­ key points about the ACX Program: The Accre­dited Customer Experie­nce (ACX) program’s design helps participants be­come qualified professionals in custome­r experience­ and process management.

Atte­nding workshops (in-person or online), completing course­work, and passing an endorsement from a Coach and Me­ntor are involved. Advanced qualifications, like­ ACX Master® (ACXM®), exist for those se­eking to lead transformation initiatives.

Expe­rt guidance from Steve Towe­rs, an expert in the fie­ld, supports the program. He provides coaching, ke­ynote speeche­s, books, and social media content to aid the le­arning process.👍👍

Visit us at https://www.bpgroup.org 
Download the ACX overview: ACX Brochure
Review the next program with Steve Towers: ACX Master

#cx #customerexperience #process #bpm #bpr #acxs #acxp #acxm #cxpa #ccxp #bpg

The Advanced CX program Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Accredited Customer Experience (ACX®) Program?

The Accre­dited Customer Experie­nce Program is an expert qualification for pe­ople needing practical custome­r-centric understanding. It shows how to harness CX powe­r, organize using customer-centric principle­s, and guide/mentor organizations.

This program equips individuals with improving custome­r experience­s and operational efficiency within organizations.

The­ knowledge and skills are taught in a hands-on, pragmatic style.

2. What are the eligibility requirements for the ACX Program?

Anyone­ can take the ACX Program – there­ are no eligibility require­ments. If you want to learn about customer-ce­ntricity, you can participate.

It’s a hands-on, workshop-based course. We­ll-suited for customer expe­rience managers, dire­ctors, consultants, professionals, agents, specialists, and le­aders.

3. What are the benefits of the ACX Program?

Participants understand customer ce­ntricity practically. They learn to harness CX powe­r, organize around customer-centric principle­s, and become organizational guides/me­ntors.

This course follows a hands-on approach, ce­ntered around workshops – perfe­ct for CX leaders, expe­rts, and specialists. It helps build customer ce­ntricity skills practically.

The ACX Program guides you through harnessing CX’s powe­r and adopting customer-centric principles. You can me­ntor others too.

BPG and global partners delive­r this program. Participants can become license­d ACX Mentors who can upskill their companies and partne­rs.

4. How long does it take to complete the ACX Program?

The program is available as an open e­nrollment or in-house option. You can complete­ it flexibly, at your own pace. Howeve­r, it typically takes 1 to 3 months to finish.

The course is hands-on, designed around a workshop, and well-suited for customer experience managers, directors, consultants, professionals, agents, specialists, and leaders.

Participants demonstrate their understanding by completing practical exercises based on their own work. It is a learning-by-doing process!

5. What is the CEMMethod®?

The CEMMethod® is a customer-centric management framework developed by BPG. The framework is based on the best practices of leading exponents of customer-centricity and is the basis for the ACX Program.

Initially developed in 2002-5 (with companies like Virgin) and now in version 15. It is the foundation of the Accredited Customer Experience® Program and is based on the codified Next practices of the world’s leading exponents of Customer Centricity.

6. What is the CX Transformation Ecosystem?

An organization’s CX Transformation Ecosystem de­scribes its unique offerings, custome­r experience­s, processes, and expe­ctations. It strategically and operationally aligns with successful custome­r outcomes. The ecosyste­m defines nee­ded offerings, channels, ope­rating models, and capabilities.

Those seeking to deepen their expertise and lead transformation initiatives within their organizations can pursue advanced qualifications, such as the ACX Master® (ACXM®) or Certified Process Professional Master® (CPPM®).

Steve Towers, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, keynote speeches, books, and social media content.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod® now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation.
Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.
Also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Steve Towers: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevetowers/

Maximizing Customer Success: Strategies for Sustained Growth and Satisfaction

👉👉 32 Years and stronger than ever! With 140K+ professionals across 137 countries qualified in customer experience, business transformation, and process management, we upskill individuals and organisations to achieve the next level of performance. Here is a celebration of some of those people. Thank you All! 👍👍

Visit us at https://www.bpgroup.org 
#cx #customerexperience #process #bpm #bpr #acxs #acxp #acxm #cxpa #ccxp #bpg

Scroll of Honor

Recent ACX & CPP Professionals and Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Customer Success Metrics: What metrics does the BP Group use to measure customer success and business transformation?

The BP Group tracks how organisations are serving customers using various metrics. These focus on customer outcomes, efficiency, and growth. We use industry-leading measures such as the CX6, the Disruption Factor and Outside-In Dashboards, and the Customer Effort Score. We encourage financial measures like revenue growth, cost savings, and customer lifetime value. The specific metrics used depend on the organization’s goals and the size and scope of transformation.

2. CEMMethod® Application: How can organizations implement the CEMMethod® to achieve the triple crown of increasing revenues, decreasing costs, and enhancing service?

Organizations can start by understanding the­ main ideas behind the
CEMMe­thod®, such as thinking from the customer’s perspe­ctive and focusing on achieving successful outcome­s for customers.

There are­ training and certification programs available to gain expe­rtise in this method. After ge­tting trained, organizations can apply the CEMMethod® to the­ir processes. This involves mapping out the­ customer journey, pinpointing critical moments, and re­designing processes to improve­ the customer expe­rience while also incre­asing operational efficiency.

3. Professional Qualification: What are the steps to become qualified in customer experience and process management through the BP Group’s programs?

The BP Group offers programs to help individuals become professionally qualified in customer experience and process management. The Accredited Customer Experience (ACX) and the Certified Process Professional (CPP) programs involve attending workshops (in the room or online), completing coursework, and passing an ‘understanding endorsement’ from your Coach and Mentor.

Those seeking to deepen their expertise and lead transformation initiatives within their organizations can pursue advanced qualifications, such as the ACX Master® (ACXM®) or Certified Process Professional Master® (CPPM®).

Steve Towers, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, keynote speeches, books, and social media content.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod® now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation.
Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.
Also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Steve Towers: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevetowers/

How To in 4 Days Transform Your CX Success with ACX Master® Online Live Class on April 25-28!

Are you looking for a way to enhance your customer experience? Do you want to become a qualified Accredited Customer Experience Master?

Look no further than our 4-day online live program!
Our program introduces and coaches you with ‘state of the art’ tools and techniques from the CEMMethod, a proven, tried and tested approach to enhancing customer experiences.

You will complete offline exercises, ideally based on your work, and on successful completion of ten exercises, you will become a qualified Accredited Customer Experience Master®.

Through your work you will then immediately be able to deliver the Triple Crown of benefits – lowering costs, growing revenues, improving service and increasing customer loyalty.

Imagine having the ability to deliver exceptional customer experiences through your organization’s processes, people, and systems. Our program connects you with the means to do just that. You’ll have access to the latest insights and strategies to take your customer experiences to the next level.

Join over 140,000+ professionals who have already taken the first step towards becoming Accredited Customer Experience Masters.
Sign up for our 4-day online live program today and start transforming your customer experience success!


The Accredited Customer Experience Professional® (ACXP):

If you want to check if your colleagues are already qualified do a search with #ACXP on Linkedin.

Review the extensive options from the BPG: https://www.bpgroup.org

Connect with the author: https://linktr.ee/SteveTowers

Review the Twelve Frequently Asked Questions associated with Customer Experience Management are discussed with supporting videos and decks at www.bpgroup.org/cxfaq.html

Unlock the Benefits of Customer Experience Management: 12 FAQs Answered

Customer Experience Frequently Asked Questions – the first we look at is ‘What is Customer Experience Management?”

This and eleven other Frequently Asked Questions associated with Customer Experience Management are discussed with supporting videos and decks at www.bpgroup.org/cxfaq.html

So what exactly is Customer Experience Management (CEM)?

Customer Experience Management (CEM or CXM) is a strategic and operational approach commonly used as a competitive differentiator. It involves aligning every aspect of an organisation towards delivering customer needs and successful outcomes no matter how far removed the customer is perceived to be.

This includes:

  • Customer journey – what the customer does, expects and feels.
  • Customer Interactions.
  • Supporting internal process.
  • Associated team and hierarchy structures.
  • Performance metrics.
  • Digital capabilities.
  • Vision, mission & strategy. 

​Typically, companies who engage in Customer Experience Management activities outperform those who do not.

Customer Experience Management (CEM) is the practice of proactively managing customer interactions, perceptions, and emotions to create positive customer experiences throughout the customer journey.

It involves understanding customer needs, preferences, and expectations and then creating tailored experiences that meet these needs, that are memorable and leave a lasting impression.

​CEM also requires connecting the customer experience to the means of delivery, such as the organisation’s people, processes, and systems. This means that CEM requires a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey and ensuring that the organisation’s people, processes, and systems can work together to provide a seamless experience that meets customer needs and expectations.
Additionally, CEM requires a focus on developing customer relationships and fostering loyalty by providing ongoing support, feedback, and value

Enhance your customer experience career with a Certified Journey Management Professional® qualification
Get the info you need at https://www.cjmplus.com

Enhance Your Customer Experience expertise with the CJMP® qualification

Review the Customer Experience FAQs

Customer Experience Management FAQs – BPG (bpgroup.org)

The Accredited Customer Experience Professional® (ACXP):

If you want to check if your colleagues are already qualified do a search with #ACXP on Linkedin.

Review the extensive options from the BPG: https://www.bpgroup.org

Connect with the author: https://linktr.ee/SteveTowers

Review the Twelve Frequently Asked Questions associated with Customer Experience Management are discussed with supporting videos and decks at www.bpgroup.org/cxfaq.html

How to apply the key fundamentals of Customer Experience success

When Steve Jobs kicked off the Customer Experience (CX) movement in 1997 (video here), he crystallized the idea of understanding customer NEEDS before doing anything else.

At the same time, another CX genius, Jeff Bezos, was three years into creating the most profitable company on the planet and precisely understood Steve Jobs ‘working backwards’ imperative.

There is this Need (even though customers don’t know it yet), and I can create the desire and meet that Need now.

A young, fresh-faced Jeff Bezos in 1997

The rest is history. Watch the 2-minute video here.

Do you want to embrace advanced Customer-Centric thinking and become Outside-In?


👉 Step #1 – Review the upskilling options to become an ACX Professional & ACX Master: https://lnkd.in/dANgYX59

👉 Step #2 – Get The Book: Outside-In The Secret *FREE*  https://bit.ly/OI2021now

👉 Step #3 – Connect With The Community: https://linktr.ee/SteveTowers

👉 Step #4 – Keep Pace with Change: Recent Keynote – The Hard Benefits of XM | https://cemnext.com/xmroi2023

👉 Step #5 – Review the Testimonials Accredited Customer Experience Professional – BPG (bpgroup.org)

Discover 23 Must-Attend Top-Notch Customer Experience Conferences in 2023!

Overview of customer experience featuring 23 must attend conference in 2023

As a business leader, you know the importance of customer experience (CX) and its impact on your success. But do you know about the must-attend customer experience conferences for 2023?

Must-Attend Customer Experience Conferences in 2023

Now that you know the importance of customer experience, let’s take a look at the must-attend customer experience conferences in 2023:

January 2023

February 2023

March 2023

May 2023

June 2023

July 2023

August 2023

September 2023

October 2023

These conferences are great opportunities to learn the latest strategies in customer experience, network with other industry professionals, and gain invaluable insight into the customer experience industry.


Customer experience is an essential part of any business’s success. It involves understanding customer needs and developing strategies to meet those needs. It also involves creating customer-centric strategies, setting customer goals, and measuring customer satisfaction.

Attending customer experience conferences is a great way to learn the latest strategies in customer experience, network with other industry professionals, and gain invaluable insight into the customer experience industry.

Review these 23 top-rated CX Conferences for 2023 to start your journey to become a customer experience expert!

Connect with me: https://linktr.ee/stevetowers

The five crucial things successful CX companies do every day

> Most successful CX companies do these things to lift their game
> Steve Towers shares the winning strategies
> Model your own strategy based on leading CX next practices
This article is a build on terrific feedback from my recent piece ‘5 Critical Failures of 80% of Customer Experience initiatives’.
(You can see that here: https://bit.ly/CX5Results)

George Bernard Shaws observation is pertinent

“Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.”

So with that in mind, let’s move beyond the mistakes and uncover the winning strategies and how best we can implement those insightful approaches.
Based on our recent work and research my report from the CX front line should help you rethink your approach in our collective endeavor to get more scientific about the customer experience.
In the earlier article, we identified five major errors and causes of failure. Let’s review how winning CX companies reframe those into successful strategies.
1. Top teams understand CX success and get out of the way of their people to let them get on with it.
To achieve strategic CX success, it is necessary to understand the limitations imposed by industrial-age thinking (getting better at doing the wrong stuff faster, functional specialisms, outdated reward systems) and help the organization migrate to Outside-In thinking and practices. At Zappos, for instance, it is more important to meet the customer (see Zappos hits the road.. http://bit.ly/Zappos2017), gather insights, and provide input to reshape the organization. The top team is actually out there “We want to shake the customers hands, give them really big high fives and meet their friends — delivering happiness and memorable experiences along the way,” said Kristin Richmer, Senior Brand Marketing Manager, Zappos.
The task then is not overlaying the new insights onto an industrial age siloed world. It is actually to reshape the organization, its people, the reward systems, processes and systems to better deliver successful customer outcomes. Tony Hsieh reinforces this feed-forward approach “we actually want to talk with customers more as 70% of our business are repeat buys. Hiding our contact details and making it difficult to talk is not our way” http://bit.ly/TonyHseih
2. Customer needs are understood and developed to create the organizational alignment towards successful customer outcomes.
Leading CX Companies have developed an a-b-c strategy when boiled down includes
(a) stop asking customers what they want
(b) get your head around current customer expectations, and
(c) articulate customer needs even when the customer doesn’t know what they are.
This effort is not a ‘one and done’, it is about continual learning and then the development of services and products that anticipate customer needs rather than following the outdated mantra of those organizations seeking more and more (often meaningless) feedback.
And Disney provides a demonstration of this a-b-c approach.
Consider this:

Disney World Orlando, is about 43 square miles, about twice the size of Manhattan. 30 million guests per year enjoy 4 theme parks: the Magic Kingdom, the Hollywood Studios, Epcot and the Animal Kingdom.

You can navigate to these parks by car, bus, monorail, boats and a ferry depending on your hotel – and that in itself includes over 20 themed for your delight. Coupled with Disneys new wearable “Magic Bands” (see http://bit.ly/MagicBand) you receive a smooth personalized experience where ever you are.
This collection of entertainment is a dynamic living system focused on successful customer outcomes. With digital real-time feedback, Disney offers an integrated experience built around a co-ordinated set of business and customer outcomes, from the time you think of a trip, to the time you are back home with the kids.
3. Being customer-centric isn’t about projects – it is a state of mind.
A great mistake of many is approaching customer experience as an initiative, something with a clearly defined start and end point. Appreciating CX is a state of mind for the whole company is a major differentiator and allows successful organizations to continually tweak and evolve, rather than live in a permanent state of project stop-start crisis. The guiding principle is, at the heart of CX, change is desirable, welcomed and systematic. It impacts everyone and everything all the time.
4. Successful CX transcends measures and implements a rigorous feedback/feed forward framework.
A recent analysis in the banking industry suggested that more than 85% of the total key performance indicators measured outputs – things that get produced from activities.
Successful CX companies however have a very different profile and focus, their attention is on measuring outcomes – the result of what is produced. To these companies this is not a semantic distinction, it underpins the total CX strategy. As a result, the measurement systems are simplified, and the focus on results rather than activity moves the dial towards customer centricity so much more quickly. Programs such as Disneys True North set a direction with supporting metrics, and rather than measure everything that moves they focus on the results and outcomes that need to be delivered to achieve successful customer outcomes. In this context, more than 75% of measures are ‘Outcomes’ with less than 25% outputs.
Test this for yourself in the call center. What are your top ten measurements, are they output-oriented or outcome-based? The former would be things like average handle time, abandon rates, downtime and so on. The latter would be the delivery of customer need, queries completely resolved (not the piece mean partial interim ‘first call resolution’ type things measured with a functional bias).
In summary, CX leaders have fewer measures and the majority are now Outcome-based.
5. CX is both the strategy and the operational objective to overcome needless complexity.
A recent Forrester survey says 81% of CX professionals are mapping experiences from the customer’s perspective, but only 21% are mapping the ecosystem (processes, people, technology). In this context there are two opportunities that successful CX companies exploit:
i. CX can only be successful if you build a complete CX ecosystem map (we call that a CXecomap) which includes cause and effect and connects the people who deliver the customer experience with those people and systems who provide the means for it.
ii. CX Current state crisis. Successful CX companies can clearly articulate the what and how the organization should be doing to deliver great experiences. They do not become mired in the exercise of mapping all the current external and internal processes and systems (which can take years to complete and provides little in the way of direction for what should exist.)
These companies understand the reality that the current structure and systems were never created with excellent CX in mind but were in fact designed around an industrial age, production system based model. Accordingly, next practice is to utilize design principles that envision what should be, and then progressively mature and migrate the organization to that vision.
To conclude CX success doesn’t come from wishful thinking. It is a deliberate and sustained effort to understand and articulate the ever changing customer. To build a new trust with them that goes beyond the platitudes of the past. In the near term it is about becoming more scientific about the customer experience. In the longer term it is a guarantee of business success.
We have codified these CX next practice approaches into the CEMMethod (now version10). You can access that as a resource with others below.
The earlier article can be viewed here: ‘5 Critical Failures of 80% of Customer Experience initiatives’. http://bit.ly/CX2017
Other useful resources on this theme:www.bpgroup.org (workshops, accreditation, and certification)www.stevebtowers.com
www.successfulcustomeroutcomes.net (blog for all things customer experience)
www.cemmethod.com (CEMMethod v10)
www.outsideinthesecret.com (Free copy of ‘Outside-In. The Secret’)
Join us to learn the Secrets of Apples, Googles, Zara, Zappos and Emirates success

Accredited CX Professional, Masters & Champions (ACXP, ACXM, ACXC) Program

An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 180 times, in 64 cities with delegates from 118 countries.
The program, now in its eleventh year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.
Become a qualified CPP-Master or ACXP and demonstrate your professionalism http://www.bpgroup.org/training.html



I am going to do a one-minute Q and A today. Do you know what the toughest questions Customer Experience Leaders Ask?

OK, Here we go.

Find out more: https://bit.ly/GCCACXP


QUESTION 1: Why do so many organizations struggle to become truly customer-centric?

ANSWER: They are using an out-of-date mindset. The thinking is borrowed from the industrial age when optimizing production and throughput was the thing. That way of thinking is about production management, efficiency, effectiveness, and waste elimination. Does that sound familiar? The mindset is not exactly customer focussed.


QUESTION 2: What is (probably) the biggest hurdle to becoming Outside-In and customer-focused?

ANSWER: It is getting passed this industrial age mindset and all the things that come with it. For instance, it is our reward structure. It’s the approach to employee empowerment. Another one is rigid out of date linear processes and systems. I think you get the picture.

Alright, one more concern.

QUESTION 3: If listening to the customer is so important, then what is ‘best practice’ and the emerging next practice?

ANSWER: Often times many companies try to drive forward by only looking in the rear-view mirror. That is by listening to subjective perceptual historic feedback rather than paying attention to every interaction 100% of the time.

The GOOD news is…

In the ACX Masters program, we show you step-by-step how to handle these challenges so you don’t have to Fall into the Bear Pit.

You can get the full scoop and preview here at the BP Group site.

Cheers for now!

There are always more questions than answers 😉 However, in the ACX Masters program, we cover all the bases and provide a set of tools and approaches that enable you to WIN THE TRIPLE CROWN in every CX initiative
Join us soon!

Check it out here: The ACX Master – online, in the room, live and interactive





Four days to become a Certified Process Professional Master (CPPM) https://bit.ly/CPPM2022

#cppmaster #cpp #pmi #certifiedprocessprofessional #bpgroup

The Certified Process Professional Master (CPP Master) program.