4 Reasons to attend Steve Towers Masterclass in London

I am returning to #England for my annual Steve Towers
#masterclass in #london #cuxtomerexperience #cx #process #acxs #acx #ccxp Don’t be shy, come and learn the latest, greatest techniques as practised by companies like #amazon #zara #zappos and #emirates 

Recently qualified Masters enjoy the photocall in Orlando

We are bringing to the table the newest innovations and hands-on methods to immediately deliver success on your return to work. Yes, these sessions are fun, and what with London just before Christmas, what is there not to like?

And hey if you have already done one of our coaching events ping me and I can arrange a loyalty discount 😉 There’s a mountain of new stuff as we launch #theexperiencemanager and #cemmethod version 12.

The Customer Experience definition

What is the definition of Customer Experience?
The definitions of customer experience are many however in 99% of cases incorrect. Why so? Well simply because they are from a company viewpoint, that is ‘Inside-Out’.

A truly customer-centric definition needs to see customer experience through the customer’s actual experience. Accordingly, the CX definition the BP Group and partners endorse through our training, mentoring and consultancy is:

A customer experience is the sum of the thoughts, feelings and interactions a customer has about and with different products and services during the achievement of a goal or outcome

James Dodkins aka ‘CX Rockstar’

This talks neatly to the point that the experience starts with a need and finishes when that need has been fulfilled. It goes way beyond when the process for the company starts and ends.

What is your definition for Customer Experience?

So next time someone challenges you to define ‘what is customer experience?’ give them that.

You may even get people confusing customer experience with customer service but that discussion is for another day 😉

The CX Online Playbook

Crafting the right professional profile is key to achieving success. Steve Towers offers sage wisdom on the hows and whats with his free book on how he has achieved his notoriety.

It comes down to YOU. Who you are and how you project yourself.

In the realm of Customer Experience and Business transformation, I have published many books and keynoted conferences around the world on the subjects of Customer Experience and Advanced Process Management.

Over the last couple of decades, I have fined tuned my messaging to suit the unique needs of different people and organizations so they can consistently deliver Successful Customer Outcomes individually and for their organizations.

In the last 20 years, Steve has keynoted and chaired more than 220 global events.

Relating to this success people often ask how should they go about it, what is the secret ingredient? So guess what a wrote another book to capture the key ideas and make them available to those willing to spend a little time crafting their profiles to suit their customers, whether they are colleagues, team members, their bosses or indeed the people who pay our wages – the external customer 😉

It comes down to YOU. Who you are and how you project yourself.

So earlier this year I published a FREE online CX Playbook for those folks who have just qualified as CX Professionals and need to build up their online profiles. It was a great success with over 3,200 downloads in the last six months, so guess what, I have now updated it for 2020 and you can go grab your FREE copy here: https://cemnext.com/cxplaybookplease

What another Starbucks?!

Do get in touch and tell me how you get on.

With warm regards,


CX and Technology – where to now?

The latest CX and Technology stats from Blake Morgan

I must admit yet another weakness. That is being a sucker for statistics in and around Customer Experience and Process Management so when someone, in this instance Blake Morgan, collates a fantastic list who are we not to republish and share?

Shameless, that’s me that is

And if you a writer and speaker this stuff is grist to the mill, especially in such a fast-moving arena as is Customer-Centric thinking. And with that in mind, a bit of shameless self-publicity is called for with an introduction to my all-new ONLINE course running from January 2020. And yes the themes are the very latest approaches delivering success for the worlds leading customer-centric businesses.

You can see the preview and details here:

See you on the inside perhaps?