best summed up by the phrase “you may be doing things right, but are you doing the right thing?”.
The vast majority of techniques, approaches and methods are misleadingly geared to fixing problems, and essentially getting better at doing things right. That was fine in the 19th and 20th century world where efficiency was king. Not anymore where effectiveness and efficiency are a ‘business as usual’ prerequisite for business success. However just getting better at what you currently do (doing things right) has also become the road to hell of diminishing returns. The harder we try, the tighter we get, the poorer the gain each time around.
Here we seek to determine what the right thing is, and in our language it centers on Successful Customer Outcomes (SCOs). And that isn’t about (just) filling forms correctly, tightening bolts or producing widgets. It is a philosophy that seeks to improve our alignment in everything we do towards the SCO. It is geared to understanding Causes rather than fixing effects, and unfortunately again so much of what is called ‘improvement’ is about fixing effects, rather than flushing out the causes of work and the Points of failure (POF).
Absolutely and that’s precisely what allows those leading companies to carry on creating clear water between themselves and the nearest ‘inside-out’ rivals.
For example people may not be filling in a form correctly. Six Sigma understands how often, where and what could be done to improve accuracy of the form.
Similar to Six Sigma however goes a stage further in removing waste associated with form completion by removing unnecessary steps and sometimes as a consequence negates the need for a form entirely. In doing so occasionally, but not by design, stumbles into doing the right thing.
Asks whether the form contributes to the achievement of the SCO. If it doesn’t we stop doing this dumb stuff. It is typical to find that a massive amount of work in a CEMM examined process becomes unnecessary and in doing so frees up scarce resource.
CEMMethod – Customer Experience Management Method
SCOs – Successful Customer Outcomes
POFs – Points of Failure
Triple Crown – Concurrently Improving Revenues, Enhancing Service and Reducing Costs.
Inside-Out – viewing the organization as a self sustaining functional enterprise focused on division of labor
Outside-In – understanding and living an approach that recognizes the only reason an organization exists is to deliver SCOs. In doing so achieving Triple Crown benefits which benefit the Customer, the companies employees and the shareholders.
Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.