Quite a debate has broken out in reaction to the latest release/retraction then rerelease of the annual Gartners BPM Systems Magic Quadrant. Join the discussion at http://bit.ly/LWcPK.
Here’s an extract from Theo Priestley…
The end of Gartner’s reign in my opinion.
I had a sneak preview at the latest MQ report from Gartner from a friend in a particular vendor who were very pleased to say the least to make the MQ for the first time…..however…..
This smacks of a major u-turn to fit either the market conditions today or getting ‘found out’ for leading organisations down a path they really didn’t need to go down. Honestly, I wonder how they got away with those MQ reports for so long. People take them far too seriously and their glorified SWOT analysis really only served to preserve a very uneasy status quo in BPM. There has been little real innovation in tools because this kind of paid advertising can backfire on a vendor who develops something out of the norm.
Are companies growing tired of their broad brush format and BPM changing little over the years ? Are they turning their backs on Gartner (I suspect Butler and Forrester will no doubt revamp their reports just to keep up) in droves to make their own decisions based on what fits their business not what Gartner tells them will fit ?
I know for a fact, I’ve been involved in vendor selection before and have been told to look at research but never to base the final decision on it. Research on BPM tools and methods should be impartial, fact based and tailored to the clients needs. It needs to go back to basics to the old approach where clients and customers ask for specifics to be investigated according to their needs, industry and future demands. Not a broad brush approach and a 20 page report covering every aspect, relevant or not.
Oil & Gas, Financial Services, Utilities, NFPs, Legal, Local Govt: they all use BPM(S) for different reasons and as such should have difference criteria to weight each tool upon. That means REAL research.
There is a need for this in the market place. In this time where resources are precious and decisions cost, can we afford not to have it.