4 Reasons to attend Steve Towers Masterclass in London

I am returning to #England for my annual Steve Towers
#masterclass in #london #cuxtomerexperience #cx #process #acxs #acx #ccxp Don’t be shy, come and learn the latest, greatest techniques as practised by companies like #amazon #zara #zappos and #emirates 

Recently qualified Masters enjoy the photocall in Orlando

We are bringing to the table the newest innovations and hands-on methods to immediately deliver success on your return to work. Yes, these sessions are fun, and what with London just before Christmas, what is there not to like?

And hey if you have already done one of our coaching events ping me and I can arrange a loyalty discount 😉 There’s a mountain of new stuff as we launch #theexperiencemanager and #cemmethod version 12.

The future of Business Process. What is your take?

Forrester and Gartner, those behemoths of Business Research, are battling for the mindspace associated with that question at the moment.

Forrester leader Connie Moore has just posted the current trends, based on latest research with “10 major thought leaders at large global organizations” and include the following seven points:

  • A major strategic alignment between business process transformation and customer experience
  • Very little concern about technology issues — because they believe the technology will work well (and this is not what keeps them up at night even now)
  • A major focus on standardizing processes across the globe so that work can easily flow to the lowest-cost labor at any given moment
  • The belief that processes will run in the cloud (private or public) and that businesses will consume processes-as-a-platform
  • A strong conviction that IT will largely vanish into the business
  • The need for access to global talent pools driving some of the need for business process transformation
  • The expectation that being dynamic and turning on a dime will be critically important
What I will say is that for those of us busy linking Successful Customer Outcomes (SCO) with process for the last several years that first point is no great surprise. Mind you I can also think of some supposed major thought leaders who are still blind to the reason why all our jobs exist – the customer. Aligning everything we do to SCO’s is about connecting the dots between every task and activity all the way to the customer. Jeff Bezos (Amazon) refers to it as ‘working backwards’ aka Outside-In.

I certainly give the thumbs up to Forrester for this efforts, especially since the next couple of weeks sees a couple of Forrester hosted webinars to share their views. Interestingly now Gartner will have to respond otherwise they will see themselves as sidelined into little more than the technical aspects of BPM.

Go read Connie Moores blog at: http://bit.ly/BusinessProcess2020

Do you agree with the points Forrester is making? Contribute to the LinkedIn thread on this theme at:

Recommended Upcoming ‘be there’ events to meet, share and learn:

BPM Leaders hosted by PEX: 
Amsterdam – October 20-21: http://bit.ly/rhqLHP
Leaders Blog http://bit.ly/p6AIuI
MasterClass (Led by Steve Towers)
Barcelona –
October 3-7 – Certified Process Professional & Master: http://bit.ly/MastersInBarcelona


Lake Buena Vista, Florida – Jan 16-19: http://bit.ly/PEX2012