AI-Powered Insurance Transformation: Boosting Efficiency, Accuracy and Client Satisfaction

📈 So many Metrics, So little Time. Smash through the Barrier!
Get the Deck and The CX Measurement system that works Immediately. 👍

AI and generative AI (gen AI) are transforming many industries, including Insurance.

In a 2024 an article by McKinsey identified four AI trends :

a. Rapid adoption – 65% of respondents to the survey say they are using gen AI.

b. Business benefits – revenue growth and cost reductions

c. AI Global adoption – now at 72% of survey respondents

d. Investment and Value – two-thirds of respondents anticipate increased AI investment over the next two years

These trends compel insurance companies to review their phygital strategies (combining the best of the physical with digital customer experiences).

Insurers have always dealt with huge amounts of information, and this continues to increase under the burden of changes to data protection laws, new regulations and a more diverse set of customer needs.

Many have sought to automate this inbound and outbound activity, and now, with the arrival of Gen AI, progressive insurers are adopting proactive strategies to grow revenues, reduce costs, and significantly enhance the customer experience.

The role of gen AI in enhancing the customer experience is significant, as it improves operational effectiveness (Triple Crown Plus). The delivery of this triple crown plus benefit is now the hallmark of leading insurers.

Let’s review how gen AI is transforming the sector:

🎯 1. Optimising the Underwriting Experience:

Achieving top-notch underwriting is essential for gauging the risks tied to new proposals. It’s a balancing act for underwriters to ensure precision, uphold quality, and handle a substantial number of applications. Using AI can revolutionise this experience by scrutinising proposals through the lens of historical patterns, past decisions, and established underwriting protocols. Risk factors can be identified with AI, especially concerning payment reliability, geographical risk factors, customer longevity, exposure to particular hazards, vehicular telematics, and the likelihood of ‘acts of God’ events.

Embracing AI-driven platforms to streamline the underwriting process enables professionals to outsort high-risk proposals and personalise quotations. Integrating business rules engines can significantly boost the frequency of straight-through processing for straightforward cases and intelligently route complex scenarios to specialised underwriting teams, considering their skill set and current capacity.

🛄 2. Refining Claims Processing Precision:

For insurers, the claims experience presents a critical “moment of truth” for its customers and partners. Streamlined and accurate claims handling is essential to reduce losses and complete settlements quickly. Gen AI can markedly enhance the entire claims experience and processes with these key deliverables:

• Claims Triage: Incoming claims can overwhelm Claims units, especially those with technologies designed before the ‘high expectation promiscuous’ clients. AI systems can optimise the experience and processes by leveraging past data and predefined criteria to sort claims by their gravity, enabling straightforward, low-severity claims to bypass manual checks. This improves both efficiency and turnaround times.

• Automated Reserve Allocation: Accurate reserves must be established early in the claims process to uphold accurate financial indicators. AI can determine more accurate reserves at the claim’s inception, factoring in variables like the line of business, policy specifics, and loss causation, thereby reducing errors.

🔎 3. Fraud Identification:

Detecting fraud can be a huge, expensive, labour-intensive task that slows claims processing. AI’s pattern-matching capabilities significantly improve throughput and accuracy and mitigate the risk of potential legal disputes. Reducing the load from manual checking (and freeing up scarce resources) also reduces costs, improves turnaround times, and enhances the overall customer and employee experience.

🧭 4. Fraud Detection:

Fraud detection is critical for safeguarding against financial losses due to deceptive claims. AI enhances Predictive Analytics when looking for patterns that can indicate fraudulent activity. Claims fraud detection approaches can be intensive and expensive, coupled with suboptimal experiences for clients and partners. Enhancing the data analytics approaches with Gen AI produces faster results at a lower cost than traditional approaches

🤗 5. Delivering Exceptional Customer Experience:

Insurance companies often struggle to extract value from their data despite being data-intensive. AI and machine learning (ML) models can categorise customers into ‘needs’ groups, enabling targeted campaigns and personalised benefit coverages. Predictive models can forecast customer lifetime value, allowing insurers to focus on high-value customer categories with minimal effort.

To excel in the phygital age, insurance companies must embrace the latest technologies and developments in AI, gen AI and Machine Learning.

Hyper personalisation is now the future of insurance, just as it has become in other industries with companies like Adidas, Amazon and Spotify. Gen AI helps companies make a quantum leap with customised communication and coverage while supporting risk assessment, claims processing, and digital and physical customer and employee experiences. Ultimately, it is about winning the ‘Triple Crown plus’ to drive overall success and competitiveness.

😎 The Accredited CX Master® programme now incorporates AI learning and modules. To find out more about the complete programme, visit:

McKinsey article referenced: The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value

Frequently Asked Questions Related to Fraud and the CEMMethod®

Frequently Asked Questions Related to Fraud and the CEMMethod®

  1. What is CEMMethod®? How does the CEMMethod® help? The CEMMethod® is a comprehensive approach that aims to improve customer experiences by aligning all aspects of an organization with customer needs and experiences.

    It helps by:
    > Lowering costs, increasing revenues, and improving service through the Triple Crown approach.
    > Utilizing tools like the Successful Customer Outcome Canvas (SCOC) and the Outside-In Strategic Matrix (OISM) to identify and prioritize key customer outcomes.
  2. Implementation Challenges: Common challenges banks face when implementing the CEMMethod® for fraud prevention include:
    > Integrating the method with existing processes and systems effectively and efficiently.
    > Ensuring that the focus remains on customer needs and experiences while addressing internal processes.
  3. Measuring Success: Banks measure the success and effectiveness of the CEMMethod® in fraud prevention by:
    > Assessing the impact on key outcomes such as lower costs, higher revenues, and improved service.
    > Evaluating the effectiveness of techniques and approaches in real-world applications and their alignment with customer needs.
  4. Integration with Existing Systems: The CEMMethod® can be integrated with existing bank systems and processes for seamless fraud prevention by:
    > Aligning with AI, digitization, and machine learning for significant cost reductions and revenue uplift.
    > Adapting the portfolio of techniques and approaches to suit all circumstances, ensuring rigorous dashboards focused Outside-In.

    For more detailed information and practical applications, you can explore the resources and guides available on the CEMMethod®.

Steve Towers, Chief Experience Officer for the BPG, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, consultancy, keynote speeches and books.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod, which is now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation. Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.

Steve is also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Subscribe to this channel and reach out and connect with Steve via

Navigating the Future: Unmissable CX Events in June, July, and August 2024

📈 So many Metrics, So little Time. Smash through the Barrier!
Get the Deck and The CX Measurement system that works Immediately. 👍

Discover the Insights, Network with Experts, and Elevate Your CX Game!

As the sun warms the days, so does the excitement around Customer Experience (CX) events. 🌟 Whether you’re a seasoned CX professional or just dipping your toes into the world of customer-centricity, these events are your compass to navigate the ever-evolving landscape.

Join us as we explore the most anticipated CX gatherings, where thought leaders, practitioners, and visionaries converge to share strategies, innovations, and success stories. These events from Las Vegas to Riyadh promise inspiration, actionable takeaways, and connections that will shape your CX journey.

Ready to embark on this adventure? Let’s dive in! 🚀🔡

JUNE 2024
Global ACX Master | June 10-13 | Online Live (with Steve Towers)
Conference for CX Innovators in Financial Services | June, 15-16 | Boston, US
Customer Contact Week Asia 2024 | June, 16-19 | Singapore
Global ACX Champion June 17-20 Online Live (with Steve Towers)
CX North America by Forrester | Nashville, USA | June 17 – 20
Franchise Customer Experience Conference 2024 | June, 18-20 | Atlanta, US
4th Annual CX in Financial Services Conference  | June 18 – 19 | London, UK
CX EMEA by Forrester | June 24 – 26 | London, UK
The Conference for CX Innovators in FS | June, 15-16 | Boston, US
The Cross-Industry Conference for CX Innovators | June, 15-16 | Boston, US
Customer Contact Week Asia 2024 | June, 16-19 | Singapore
Franchise Customer Experience Conference 2024 | June, 18-20 | Atlanta, US
Customer Experience in Financial Services | June, 19-20 | London, UK
CX Paris | June, 21-23 | Paris, France
CX EMEA by Forrester | June, 25-26 | London, UK & Online

E3CX | July, 3-4 | Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
CX Retail UK | July 8 – 9 | London, UK
CXFS | July 15 – 16 | Boston, USA
Customer Experience 2024 | July 15 – 17 | Orlando, USA
Customer Contact Week Asia 2024 | July 16 – 19 | Singapore

World CX Summit by Trescon CX | August 2-3 | Singapore
The Customer Show Sydney | August 16-17 | Sydney, Australia

Steve Towers, Chief Experience Officer for the BPG, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, consultancy, keynote speeches and books.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod, which is now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation. Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.

Steve is also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Subscribe to this channel and reach out and connect with Steve via

Combatting Bank Fraud using the CEMMethod®

📈 So many Metrics, So little Time. Smash through the Barrier!
Get the Deck and The CX Measurement system that works Immediately. 👍

Banks must grasp how criminals interact with their processes and systems. This allows upgraded security to defend customers.

Here’s how using the CEMMethod® to help

User Research and Real Events.

  • Study actual fraud cases.
  • See how criminals use bank offerings.
  • Document fraudste­r actions, steps taken, what they e­ngaged with, and victim emotions.
  • Consider both faile­d and successful crimes for a complete­ view.

Chart Fraudster Customer Journe­ys.

  • Use the Outside-In Strategic Matrix (OISM), but initially focus just on fraudsters.
  • Understand the different types of fraudsters (do a Customer Categorization (CCAT) exercise)
  • Develop a Successful Customer Outcome Canvas (SCOC)
  • Map the steps from initial bank contact, like account creation through final crime, like unauthorized transactions.
  • Calculate the Disruption Factor (DF)
  • Use the Innovation approach to identify Moments of Truth (MOTs), weak points, and are­as for improvement within this path.
  • Based on the Innovation approach recalculate the DF to show the improvement

Note Every Interaction and Channel.

  • Account for all criminal bank MOTs/touchpoints, including:
    • Account creationLogin/authentication
    • Transaction history
    • Phone, email, and chat communications
    • Customer support exchange­s

See how criminals exploit we­aknesses at each ste­p.

  • Complete a Risk-Impact matrix (RIM)

Data is Key Ove­r Visuals.

  • Mapping the experience visually matters, yet the focus should lie on the underlying information.
  • Comprehend patterns, trigge­rs, and behavioural signals.
  • Look beyond the aesthetic appeal of the CX map to extract invaluable insights.

Customer Vie­wpoint and Emotions.

  • Step into a fraudster’s shoes. Use the ‘empty chair approach’.
  • What drive­s them? What emotions arise?
  • Also, e­mpathize with legitimate custome­rs who fall prey to fraud.
  • Understand their feelings of anxiety, frustration, and vulnerability.

Cross-Te­am Collaboration.

  • Involve teams spanning fraud preve­ntion, UX design, security expe­rts, and customer support.
  • Share insights, collaborating to address vulne­rabilities identified in the­ fraudster’s journey.

Prioritizing Account Takeover (ATO).

  • Recognize fraudsters directly target user accounts.
  • Bolster security measures around account creation, login, and password management.
  • Educate users on se­cure practices to preve­nt ATO.

Adapting to Evolving Trends.

  • Stay informed about shifting fraud tactics.
  • As fraudsters adapt, so must your defences.
  • Monitor phishing, social engine­ering, and other fraudster me­thods.

Balancing Security and User Experience.

  • You should enhance­ security without hindering genuine­ users.
  • Make sure the­ security upgrades don’t negative­ly affect user expe­rience.
  • Put security measures smoothly, no hassle for real customers.

Keep Improving.

  • Revie­w the fraudster’s plan often, update­ CX map regularly.
  • Revisit the OISM and CCAT and update them on a regular basis
  • Try new che­cks, and analyze if they work well against thre­ats.
  • Learn from actual incidents and modify practices accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions Related Bank Fraud and the CEMMethod®

Frequently Asked Questions Related to Bank Fraud and the CEMMethod®

  1. What is CEMMethod®? How does the CEMMethod® help? The CEMMethod® is a comprehensive approach that aims to improve customer experiences by aligning all aspects of an organization with customer needs and experiences.

    It helps by:
    > Lowering costs, increasing revenues, and improving service through the Triple Crown approach.
    > Utilizing tools like the Successful Customer Outcome Canvas (SCOC) and the Outside-In Strategic Matrix (OISM) to identify and prioritize key customer outcomes.
  2. Implementation Challenges: Common challenges banks face when implementing the CEMMethod® for fraud prevention include:
    > Integrating the method with existing processes and systems in a way that is both effective and efficient.
    > Ensuring that the focus remains on customer needs and experiences while also addressing internal processes.
  3. Measuring Success: Banks measure the success and effectiveness of the CEMMethod® in fraud prevention by:
    > Assessing the impact on key outcomes such as lower costs, higher revenues, and improved service.
    > Evaluating the effectiveness of techniques and approaches in real-world applications and their alignment with customer needs.
  4. Integration with Existing Systems: The CEMMethod® can be integrated with existing bank systems and processes for seamless fraud prevention by:
    > Aligning with technologies such as AI, digitization, and machine learning for significant cost reductions and revenue uplift.
    > Adapting the portfolio of techniques and approaches to suit all circumstances, ensuring rigorous dashboards focused Outside-In.

    For more detailed information and practical applications, you can explore the resources and guides available on the CEMMethod®

Steve Towers, Chief Experience Officer for the BPG, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, consultancy, keynote speeches and books.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod, which is now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation. Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.

Steve is also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Subscribe to this channel and reach out and connect with Steve via

Jargon Monoxide: Clear the Air in Your Workplace!

📈 So many Metrics, So little Time. Smash through the Barrier!
Get the Deck and The CX Measurement system that works Immediately. 👍

In the corporate world, a silent and insidious problem exists – jargon. ☠️
It’s a language filled with fancy words and complex phrases that confuse and disengage people during meetings.

Some common symptoms of “jargon monoxide” exposure include:-

🙄 Eyes glazing over during presentations

😵‍💫 Sudden confusion about the meaning of words being used

😵 An irresistible urge to play “buzzword bingo”

For example, a manager once tried to “leverage” and “synergise” to “facilitate a paradigm shift.” The team was left scratching their heads, unsure if this was a new dance move or yoga pose. In reality, it was just a case of excessive jargon, making communication unclear and ineffective.

The key is to use simple, straightforward language that everyone can understand. Avoid complex terminology and aim for a conversational tone. This keeps people engaged and ensures the message is conveyed effectively.

Let’s review a couple of examples and possible cures.

🌩️ The Outbreak of Disruptive Innovation ⚡

Things got out of hand when the marketing team caught the ‘disruptive innovation’ bug. Every idea was ‘disruptive,’ and every plan was ‘innovative.’ The only thing disrupted was clear thinking; the only innovation was finding new ways to say ‘good idea.’

🍎 The Epidemic of Low-Hanging Fruit 🍏

The sales team was next, seemingly obsessed with ‘low-hanging fruit.’ Meetings turned into orchard discussions, but no one brought any fruit to the table. The only thing low-hanging was the team’s patience.

Treatment and Prevention:

  • 👉 Open a window. Fresh air helps.
  • 🫙 Introduce a ‘jargon jar.’ Offenders contribute to the coffee fund.
  • 🗣️ Use plain language. It’s refreshing and, surprisingly, more efficient.
  • 📨 Communicate plainly and clearly. Straightforward speech is surprisingly refreshing and efficient.

Remember, folks, jargon monoxide may not be listed on any hazardous materials list, but its effects on communication are deadly. Keep it simple and clear, and save the jargon for Scrabble night. 🔡

Steve Towers, Chief Experience Officer for the BPG, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, consultancy, keynote speeches and books.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod, which is now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation. Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.

Steve is also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Subscribe to this channel and reach out and connect with Steve via

👉 These Professionals have Revolutionized Their Approach, Adopting the Strategy for Ultimate Customer Centricity and Outside-In Success 🚀🚀

📈 So many Metrics, So little Time. Smash through the Barrier!
Get the Deck and The CX Measurement system that works Immediately. 👍

Let’s celebrate with the Scroll of Honour for 2024

Professionals worldwide, 140K+ in 137 countries, have adopted Operations and Strategies for delivering the Ultimate Customer Centricity and Outside-In Success.

They have discovered the game-changing approaches within the CEMMethod® that revolutionized business thinking! “The Outside-In Strategic Matrix (OISM)” – originally developed by companies like the Virgin Group, Amazon and Apple – is your key to unlocking customer-centric success. That and 50 other tools to put all their business transformation initiatives on steroids.

Coached by more than 50+ qualified ACX Mentors, the CX and process professionals help their companies become recognised world-beaters. Recent winners of independent Awards include companies Like Siemens Gamesa, Danfoss, Veolia, Apa Nova, Gilead, Virgin and more. They all boast Accredited CX Masters® and Certified Process Professionals® in their ranks.

Here are some truly remarkable people coaching, training and executing the 2024 business challenges.

Access the one-hour video tutorial and transcript here:

The CEMMethod® is the Swiss army knife of customer experience excellence

The CEMMethod®, pioneered by the BP Group and Steve Towers, represents a groundbreaking approach to Customer Experience Management (CEM). This innovative method is not just a set of tools; it’s a mindset shift, a comprehensive strategy transforming how organizations interact with their customers.

At the heart of the CEMMethod® is the belief that a deep understanding of the customer journey is crucial for business success. The method encourages businesses to look at their processes from the outside in, starting with the customer experience and working backwards to align internal processes with customer needs.

What sets the CEMMethod® apart is its holistic approach.

It integrates advanced techniques like process alignment, customer journey mapping, and moment of truth analysis, ensuring that every aspect of the customer experience is carefully considered and optimized. The ultimate goal is to create satisfied customers and true advocates for the brand.

The CEMMethod® has been applied successfully in various industries, significantly improving customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall business performance. It’s a testament to the power of putting the customer first, and under the guidance of thought leaders like the BP Group, it continues to evolve and set new standards in customer experience excellence.

This method isn’t just about improving metrics; it’s about creating lasting, meaningful customer relationships. It’s an inspiring journey towards a future where businesses thrive by genuinely understanding and valuing their customers.

Steve Towers, Chief Experience Officer for the BPG, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, consultancy, keynote speeches and books.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod, which is now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation. Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.

Steve is also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Subscribe to this channel and reach out and connect with Steve via

🏆 Unveiling the 2024 Scroll of Honor: Celebrate the Pinnacle of Experience Management! 🥇

📈 So many Metrics, So little Time. Smash through the Barrier!
Get the Deck and The CX Measurement system that works Immediately. 👍

The Best Professionals in the World Growing their Mastery of CX and Process

Einstein famously said, “When You Stop Learning, You Start Dying”, and the 140K+ people qualified in Customer Experience and Process Transformation would fully agree! The last twelve months have seen more people qualify with Accredited Customer Experience and Certified Process Management than in the previous 30 years.

Learning the latest in Experience Management approaches never stops, especially with the recent introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI), putting the customer at the centre of all enterprise initiatives.

Einsteins Wisdom

Extend Your Learning!
The Accredited Customer Experience: Online, In the Room, Customized

The Certified Process Professional: Online, In the Room, Customized

Steve Towers, Chief Experience Officer for the BPG, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, consultancy, keynote speeches and books.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod, which is now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation. Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.

Steve is also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Subscribe to this channel and reach out and connect with Steve via

Revolutionize Your Approach: Adopt Steve Jobs’ Strategy for Ultimate Customer Centricity and Outside-In Success 🚀🚀

📈 So many Metrics, So little Time. Smash through the Barrier!
Get the Deck and The CX Measurement system that works Immediately. 👍

Here’s how to adopt a proven tool to transform your business performance and deliver customer experience excellence

Adopt Steve Jobs’ Strategy for Ultimate Customer Centricity and Outside-In Success

Discover the game-changing strategy that revolutionized business thinking! “The Outside-In Strategic Matrix (OISM)” – originally developed by companies like the Virgin Group, Amazon and Apple – is your key to unlocking customer-centric success.

This approach shifts focus from traditional internal processes to deeply understanding and aligning with customer experiences. Learn how real-world examples can transform your business perspective, enhancing customer satisfaction and driving innovation.

Don’t miss out on this compelling guide to redefining business strategies for the modern world. Get your hands on this insightful overview now!

Access the one-hour video tutorial and transcript here:

The CEMMethod® is the Swiss army knife of customer experience excellence

The CEMMethod®, pioneered by the BP Group and Steve Towers, represents a groundbreaking approach to Customer Experience Management (CEM). This innovative method is not just a set of tools; it’s a mindset shift, a comprehensive strategy that transforms the way organizations interact with their customers.

At the heart of the CEMMethod® is the belief that a deep understanding of the customer journey is crucial for business success. The method encourages businesses to look at their processes from the outside in, starting with the customer experience and working backwards to align internal processes with customer needs.

What sets the CEMMethod® apart is its holistic approach.

It integrates advanced techniques like process alignment, customer journey mapping, and moment of truth analysis, ensuring that every aspect of the customer experience is carefully considered and optimized. The ultimate goal is to create not just satisfied customers, but true advocates for the brand.

The CEMMethod® has been applied successfully in various industries, leading to significant improvements in customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall business performance. It’s a testament to the power of putting the customer first, and under the guidance of thought leaders like the BP Group, it continues to evolve and set new standards in customer experience excellence.

This method isn’t just about improving metrics; it’s about creating lasting, meaningful relationships with customers. It’s an inspiring journey towards a future where businesses thrive by genuinely understanding and valuing their customers.

Steve Towers, Chief Experience Officer for the BPG, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, consultancy, keynote speeches and books.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod, which is now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation. Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.

Steve is also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Subscribe to this channel and reach out and connect with Steve via

The Opportunity for CX with Generative AI

📈 So many Metrics, So little Time. Smash through the Barrier!
Get the Deck and The CX Measurement system that works Immediately. 👍

The discussion reviews the state of play and trends

Teaser preluding the podcast with host Ran Yousef of Glassix

ACCESS THE FULL INTERVIEW AND INSIGHTS (with Transcript) from these links:

The 90-second preview transcript provides a nice taster for the main course

Prelude to the main podcast

Now, as you already mentioned there, Ran, at the end of the day, everything comes back to customer experience. It’s the customer who creates all the work for our organizations. So it makes sense that we should be focusing our attention on how do we deliver successful customer outcomes. So in the context of generative AI, that puts our whole CX world on steroids, if you like, because many of the things that we’ve been saying for the last 15 or 20 years are now able to come to fruition in double quick time.

So with those sort of things in mind, you know, setting the sort of the scene there, you know, we’ve got, we’ve got areas, I won’t dive into detail. I’m certainly not going to go technical today, but we’ve got the areas like personalization, you know, the ability to be able to understand that our customers at a singular level.

So whether we’re a B2C, a B2B, a government, a not for profit, a charity or whatever, getting a real intimate understanding of our customers and the data associated with that allows us to really [00:01:00] personalize a service and a product we can deliver. Likewise, there’s things that we can do which have always been like, you know, we quest for 24 7 service, don’t we?

We want to deliver that for our customers, but it could become inordinately expensive. But with generative AI now, we can offer that as a service where people can interact, you know, in, in multimodal models. So, you know, through the phone, through the web, you know, through their apps and anyway they want to have a consistent set of interactions and be able to capture that in a way that seamlessly can connect with customer successes.

Steve Towers, Chief Experience Officer for the BPG, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, consultancy, keynote speeches and books.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod, which is now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation. Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.

Steve is also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Subscribe to this channel and reach out and connect with Steve via

👉 CX Metrics – What you measure is what you get 💪

📈 So many Metrics, So little Time. Smash through the Barrier!
Get the Deck and The CX Measurement system that works Immediately. 👍

YOU may be measuring Customer Experience in the wrong way

Measure CX Right or Risk Business Failure – Videos and Case Studies reveal best/next practices from the worlds leading CX organisations.


The PROGRAM includes a dozen Case Studies , a Discussion of the reasons why some organisations fall into the same traps over and over (and how to avoid them).

Here’s an extract:

Here’s just one example from last week of all times where Tesla, let’s put the name out there as a warning to others, has been, over the years, the top in Net Promoter Score performance, if you like, across their particular industry. And yet at the same time, their customers are experiencing increasing issues.

See the Reuters report on Tesla’s failings: “Tesla created a secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints”

Poorer customer service has mapped through the number of complaints that they were receiving. So how could it be that they were being so successful with N P S compared with the rest of the industry? While at the same time the number of complaints have been increasing. And last week it was noted that people were gaming the system.

if you pay people for doing dumb stuff,
they’ll get really smart at it.

Steve Towers

Tesla not measuring up

They were doing this by attaching the NPS and Customer Satisfaction scores to bonus schemes. Hence, not surprisingly, the scores were going up, the scores were improving month on month, quarter on quarter and year on year, right? And as it says, if you pay people for doing dumb stuff, they’ll get really smart at it.

And that’s precisely part of Tesla’s problem. And this goes back, and this isn’t like one incident. This goes back six or seven years, and there are reports that you can get through the links later on. They laid off a whole bunch of staff in finance and marketing for actually gaming the system and being very selective about who they asked and who they surveyed to produce the right results.


Steve Towers, Chief Experience Officer for the BPG, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, consultancy, keynote speeches and books.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod, which is now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation. Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.

Steve is also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Subscribe to this channel and reach out and connect with Steve via

Mastering Customer Experience: A CCO’s Guide to Success in the Corporate Landscape

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Welcome to the corporate jungle, where the role of the Chief Customer Officer (CCO) is as fresh as it is precarious. Cast your mind back to 1999, the dawn of this pivotal role at Texas Power and Light. Fast forward, and we’ve got over 500 CCOs strutting their stuff across the globe—some with the badge, others without. But here’s a brain teaser: Why do less than 7% of the big guns—the Fortune 500—have a CCO in their corner? Could it be we’re witnessing a trend on the brink of extinction?

Here’s the skinny on what a CCO’s gotta do: fire up profitable customer antics, make the business revolve around the customer, and steer the corporate ship towards the horizon of growth. But here’s the kicker: despite these make-or-break goals, CCOs are finding themselves on the thinnest ice within the C-suite. Why? With an average stint lasting just over two shakes of a lamb’s tail (29.4 months, to be precise), it’s clear they’re juggling hot potatoes that could be too hot to handle.

The quagmire for the CCO is real. It’s rooted in a sort of identity crisis—a role that’s as defined as a blob of mercury. Back in the day, it was about herding customers—either corralling new ones or keeping the old ones from straying. But as the plot thickens, we see that wielding the power to make real changes for the customer is where the true battleground lies. The evolution is undeniable, but it’s tangled up with the need to carve out respect and clout in the old-school corporate hierarchy.

Being a CCO isn’t a walk in the park. It’s about untangling knotty customer conundrums, crafting a competitive edge sharper than a samurai sword, and embedding a customer-first ethos into the company’s DNA. This is no small feat—it takes a Herculean effort from the top brass to give the CCO the muscle to flex. If the backing’s not there, the CCO’s journey is like navigating rapids without a paddle.

How do you get that and then sustain that backing? You need to deliver on the CX promise of winning the Triple Crown – simultaneously growing revenues, reducing costs and improving service. And yes not in some far distant time – but now. The good news is that has already happened for pragmatic results focused CCOs. They are the ones still in their jobs and going onto bigger and better.

To wrap this up, let’s lay it on the line: if a CCO is going to make waves, the role needs to be crystal clear. We need a blueprint for authority that doesn’t crumble at the first sign of trouble and an unwavering commitment from the C-suite crew. The revolving door of CCOs sends a distress flare—we need to wise up and fortify this role if we’re serious about winning the customer loyalty race and clinching that trophy of enduring triumph.

So, what’s the scoop from the CCO Council? It’s a treasure trove of insights into the trials and triumphs of the CCO odyssey. This is no mere spiel; it’s a tapestry woven with the threads of experience, painting a picture of a role that’s both vital and vulnerable. It’s time for businesses to buck up and rethink their strategy if they want to capture the full potential of customer-centric leadership. Because, at the end of the day, isn’t the customer what it’s all about?

It is the Chief Customer Officer’s most Perilous Journey


The BPG’s CEMMethod provides a framework to implement a practical and immediate improvement to both operational and strategic CX.

Review these resources for more:
Accredited Customer Experience Professional® (ACXP®) training:

CEMMethod v.15:

CX Resources:

CX Measurement: The CX6 overview:

[1] CX6 – overview video

if you pay people for doing dumb stuff,
they’ll get really smart at it.

Steve Towers

Meet Steve Towers

Steve Towers, Chief Experience Officer for the BPG, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, consultancy, keynote speeches and books.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod, which is now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation. Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.

Steve is also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Subscribe to this channel and reach out and connect with Steve via