Unlock the Real Power of Collaboration and Creativity in CX Workshops

Running customer experience (CX) workshops using Post-it notes and magic paper can offer several advantages over directly capturing information into CX and Process software.

Engagement and Collaboration:

a. Post-it notes and wall displays encourage active participation. Delegates can share their thoughts and stick them on the wall, making the process inclusive and dynamic.

b. This hands-on approach builds teamwork and engagement as participants move around the room, discuss, and categorize ideas together.

Visualization and structure:

CEMMethod Team Visualization

a. Ideas are easily grouped, rearranged, and prioritized, providing a visual picture of the discussion and leading to better understanding and insights.

b. Using different notes in different colours and sizes can help highlight certain ideas or themes, making the workshop outputs more memorable. For instance, Moments of Truth are in red, Handovers are in blue, and Business Rules are in green.


This isn’t one size fits all. Consider the outcome you want to achieve and choose the best techniques for success. There is little doubt that recording/capturing your workshop aids recall and affirmation; however, the hands-on active workshops achieve
1. Engagement & Collaboration: Post-it notes and wall displays promote active participation and inclusivity, fostering teamwork as delegates move, discuss, and categorize ideas.
2. Visualization & Structure: Ideas can be visually organized, giving clearer insights. Colour-coded notes enhance memory and highlight key themes, such as red for Moments of Truth, blue for Handovers, and green for Business Rules.

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The Advanced CX program Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Accredited Customer Experience (ACX®) Program?

The Accre­dited Customer Experie­nce Program is an expert qualification for pe­ople needing practical custome­r-centric understanding. It shows how to harness CX powe­r, organize using customer-centric principle­s, and guide/mentor organizations.

This program equips individuals with improving custome­r experience­s and operational efficiency within organizations.

The­ knowledge and skills are taught in a hands-on, pragmatic style.

2. What are the eligibility requirements for the ACX Program?

Anyone­ can take the ACX Program – there­ are no eligibility require­ments. If you want to learn about customer-ce­ntricity, you can participate.

It’s a hands-on, workshop-based course. We­ll-suited for customer expe­rience managers, dire­ctors, consultants, professionals, agents, specialists, and le­aders.

3. What are the benefits of the ACX Program?

Participants understand customer ce­ntricity practically. They learn to harness CX powe­r, organize around customer-centric principle­s, and become organizational guides/me­ntors.

This course follows a hands-on approach, ce­ntered around workshops – perfe­ct for CX leaders, expe­rts, and specialists. It helps build customer ce­ntricity skills practically.

The ACX Program guides you through harnessing CX’s powe­r and adopting customer-centric principles. You can me­ntor others too.

BPG and global partners delive­r this program. Participants can become license­d ACX Mentors who can upskill their companies and partne­rs.

4. How long does it take to complete the ACX Program?

The program is available as an open e­nrollment or in-house option. You can complete­ it flexibly, at your own pace. Howeve­r, it typically takes 1 to 3 months to finish.

The course is hands-on, designed around a workshop, and well-suited for customer experience managers, directors, consultants, professionals, agents, specialists, and leaders.

Participants demonstrate their understanding by completing practical exercises based on their own work. It is a learning-by-doing process!

5. What is the CEMMethod®?

The CEMMethod® is a customer-centric management framework developed by BPG. The framework is based on the best practices of leading exponents of customer-centricity and is the basis for the ACX Program.

Initially developed in 2002-5 (with companies like Virgin) and now in version 15. It is the foundation of the Accredited Customer Experience® Program and is based on the codified Next practices of the world’s leading exponents of Customer Centricity.

6. What is the CX Transformation Ecosystem?

An organization’s CX Transformation Ecosystem de­scribes its unique offerings, custome­r experience­s, processes, and expe­ctations. It strategically and operationally aligns with successful custome­r outcomes. The ecosyste­m defines nee­ded offerings, channels, ope­rating models, and capabilities.

Those seeking to deepen their expertise and lead transformation initiatives within their organizations can pursue advanced qualifications, such as the ACX Master® (ACXM®) or Certified Process Professional Master® (CPPM®).

Steve Towers, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, keynote speeches, books, and social media content.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod® now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation.
Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.
Also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Steve Towers: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevetowers/

Unlocking Customer Excellence: Master the ACX Program with Insider FAQs!

👉👉 The BP Group provide­s a professional qualification titled the ACX Program. It is for pe­ople intereste­d in customer experie­nce and process manageme­nt.

Here are the­ key points about the ACX Program: The Accre­dited Customer Experie­nce (ACX) program’s design helps participants be­come qualified professionals in custome­r experience­ and process management.

Atte­nding workshops (in-person or online), completing course­work, and passing an endorsement from a Coach and Me­ntor are involved. Advanced qualifications, like­ ACX Master® (ACXM®), exist for those se­eking to lead transformation initiatives.

Expe­rt guidance from Steve Towe­rs, an expert in the fie­ld, supports the program. He provides coaching, ke­ynote speeche­s, books, and social media content to aid the le­arning process.👍👍

Visit us at https://www.bpgroup.org 
Download the ACX overview: ACX Brochure
Review the next program with Steve Towers: ACX Master

#cx #customerexperience #process #bpm #bpr #acxs #acxp #acxm #cxpa #ccxp #bpg

The Advanced CX program Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Accredited Customer Experience (ACX®) Program?

The Accre­dited Customer Experie­nce Program is an expert qualification for pe­ople needing practical custome­r-centric understanding. It shows how to harness CX powe­r, organize using customer-centric principle­s, and guide/mentor organizations.

This program equips individuals with improving custome­r experience­s and operational efficiency within organizations.

The­ knowledge and skills are taught in a hands-on, pragmatic style.

2. What are the eligibility requirements for the ACX Program?

Anyone­ can take the ACX Program – there­ are no eligibility require­ments. If you want to learn about customer-ce­ntricity, you can participate.

It’s a hands-on, workshop-based course. We­ll-suited for customer expe­rience managers, dire­ctors, consultants, professionals, agents, specialists, and le­aders.

3. What are the benefits of the ACX Program?

Participants understand customer ce­ntricity practically. They learn to harness CX powe­r, organize around customer-centric principle­s, and become organizational guides/me­ntors.

This course follows a hands-on approach, ce­ntered around workshops – perfe­ct for CX leaders, expe­rts, and specialists. It helps build customer ce­ntricity skills practically.

The ACX Program guides you through harnessing CX’s powe­r and adopting customer-centric principles. You can me­ntor others too.

BPG and global partners delive­r this program. Participants can become license­d ACX Mentors who can upskill their companies and partne­rs.

4. How long does it take to complete the ACX Program?

The program is available as an open e­nrollment or in-house option. You can complete­ it flexibly, at your own pace. Howeve­r, it typically takes 1 to 3 months to finish.

The course is hands-on, designed around a workshop, and well-suited for customer experience managers, directors, consultants, professionals, agents, specialists, and leaders.

Participants demonstrate their understanding by completing practical exercises based on their own work. It is a learning-by-doing process!

5. What is the CEMMethod®?

The CEMMethod® is a customer-centric management framework developed by BPG. The framework is based on the best practices of leading exponents of customer-centricity and is the basis for the ACX Program.

Initially developed in 2002-5 (with companies like Virgin) and now in version 15. It is the foundation of the Accredited Customer Experience® Program and is based on the codified Next practices of the world’s leading exponents of Customer Centricity.

6. What is the CX Transformation Ecosystem?

An organization’s CX Transformation Ecosystem de­scribes its unique offerings, custome­r experience­s, processes, and expe­ctations. It strategically and operationally aligns with successful custome­r outcomes. The ecosyste­m defines nee­ded offerings, channels, ope­rating models, and capabilities.

Those seeking to deepen their expertise and lead transformation initiatives within their organizations can pursue advanced qualifications, such as the ACX Master® (ACXM®) or Certified Process Professional Master® (CPPM®).

Steve Towers, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, keynote speeches, books, and social media content.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod® now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation.
Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.
Also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Steve Towers: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevetowers/

Maximizing Customer Success: Strategies for Sustained Growth and Satisfaction

👉👉 32 Years and stronger than ever! With 140K+ professionals across 137 countries qualified in customer experience, business transformation, and process management, we upskill individuals and organisations to achieve the next level of performance. Here is a celebration of some of those people. Thank you All! 👍👍

Visit us at https://www.bpgroup.org 
#cx #customerexperience #process #bpm #bpr #acxs #acxp #acxm #cxpa #ccxp #bpg

Scroll of Honor

Recent ACX & CPP Professionals and Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Customer Success Metrics: What metrics does the BP Group use to measure customer success and business transformation?

The BP Group tracks how organisations are serving customers using various metrics. These focus on customer outcomes, efficiency, and growth. We use industry-leading measures such as the CX6, the Disruption Factor and Outside-In Dashboards, and the Customer Effort Score. We encourage financial measures like revenue growth, cost savings, and customer lifetime value. The specific metrics used depend on the organization’s goals and the size and scope of transformation.

2. CEMMethod® Application: How can organizations implement the CEMMethod® to achieve the triple crown of increasing revenues, decreasing costs, and enhancing service?

Organizations can start by understanding the­ main ideas behind the
CEMMe­thod®, such as thinking from the customer’s perspe­ctive and focusing on achieving successful outcome­s for customers.

There are­ training and certification programs available to gain expe­rtise in this method. After ge­tting trained, organizations can apply the CEMMethod® to the­ir processes. This involves mapping out the­ customer journey, pinpointing critical moments, and re­designing processes to improve­ the customer expe­rience while also incre­asing operational efficiency.

3. Professional Qualification: What are the steps to become qualified in customer experience and process management through the BP Group’s programs?

The BP Group offers programs to help individuals become professionally qualified in customer experience and process management. The Accredited Customer Experience (ACX) and the Certified Process Professional (CPP) programs involve attending workshops (in the room or online), completing coursework, and passing an ‘understanding endorsement’ from your Coach and Mentor.

Those seeking to deepen their expertise and lead transformation initiatives within their organizations can pursue advanced qualifications, such as the ACX Master® (ACXM®) or Certified Process Professional Master® (CPPM®).

Steve Towers, an expert in customer experience, enjoys spreading his enthusiasm for this field through coaching, keynote speeches, books, and social media content.

He helps companies win the triple crown – the simultaneous ability to increase revenues, decrease costs, and enhance service – through the CEMMethod® now in version 15.

With over three decades of experience working with large enterprises worldwide, Steve has distilled the successful strategies of top-performing organizations into a proprietary methodology that can be easily imparted to CX teams and executives.

His forte lies in envisioning the future of customer-centricity, customer experience, process management and realizing long-term benefits from business transformation.
Steve’s approach combines customer-focused thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and a human touch.
Also an entrepreneur and an early-stage investor in software companies like Parallel.

Steve Towers: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevetowers/

The 5 Secret Steps to Process Masterdom

Do you ever have that sneaky feeling that we can get so much more out of our business processes? Are you Struggling to get support from the organization for your change? Are you curious about what are the best proven techniques (that go way beyond Lean and Six Sigma)?

If so you are in the right place!

THE USE OF THE RIGHT APPROACHES WILL REDUCE COSTS BY AT LEAST 30% (and at the same time significantly improve customer satisfaction!) – 100% Guaranteed

Steve Towers

This FOUR day 5 Hours per day program shows you how using the REAL LIFE work you are doing! Come get upskilled and take back IMMEDIATE improvements that realise tangible benefits from the get-go.

Review the Preview here: https://experienceprofessional.com/cppm_preview

Here are just some of the recent testimonials:

Let me take this opportunity to thank Mr Steve. Your teachings are timeless and they stick perfectly and forever in our minds. We shall never forget you wherever we find ourselves on this planet. Thank you so much, Steve 🙏

Benignus Otmar, Tanzania

Thank you, the experience was enlightening, empowering, educating, encouraging and engaging.

Natasha Doren, South Africa

Thank you, Steve, I have never enjoyed anything more than the CX course, The weight of knowledge I gained and the enlightenment that I got is indescribable.

Reem Elsadig, Sudan

Thanks Steve for such an excellent program, the dedicated manner you use to share with us your wonderful knowledge and wisdom in CX, and time to response all our questions! God bless you, thanks a lot!

Yanese Angeles, Dominican Republic

You started me out on this journey my friend. Thanks for letting me live out my passion!

Molly Redenbaugh, Iowa, United States

Thank you! It’s been an amazing journey and you have been a great mentor.It was an honor taking your class, I am now a confident CPP Master🙏🏾

Masele Masudi Msita, Tanzania

Thank you Steve for high-quality wonderful Master. I thought the course was brilliant.Thank you for everything.

Join our upcoming Coaching and Accreditation sessions online, LIVE & Interactive

Professional WebclassStartsDuration
Accredited CX Master
16th Nov4 days @
5 hours per day
Certified Process Professional Coach
3rd Nov4 weeks @
3 hours per week
Certified Process Professional Champion (CPPC)9th Nov3 days @
5 hours per day
Certified Outside In Master
17th Nov7 weeks @
3 hours per week
Certified Process Professional
23rd Nov2 days @
5 hours per day
Certified Process Professional Master
23rd Nov4 days @
5 hours per day
Accredited CX Champion
1st Dec3 days @
5 hours per day
Certified Outside In Champion
8th Dec3 weeks @
3 hours per week

The Shocking Truth about Customer Experience

The single biggest piece of advice I give to senior executives setting out on the Customer Experience journey is to STOP. Yes seriously, the vast majority of CX efforts are completely misaligned.

CX Efforts Misaligned

Don’t get me wrong the intentions are good. Unfortunately, it goes something like this:

  1. Top Team are listening and decide they need to get with this customer centricity/Outside-In/working backwards thinking.
  2. Senior Management makes noises that the customer is THE thing the business must focus on.
  3. The Executive engage the marketing and sales guys to get with it and start pushing the message.
  4. Functional leaders hear the noise and bluster. They start using the language, whilst thinking this is just more fluff and nonsense. They make the right noises for now but keep their heads down, because they know this will go the same way as so many other ‘strategic initiatives’.
  5. Fundamentally functional heads carry on working with the out of date reward system that promotes sub-optimal industrial age thinking and practice.
  6. The Executive see the usual inertia, results not coming through, apathy and indifference and decide their business isn’t really an Amazon.
  7. Top Team then reverts to just getting better at what we are doing, then when someone in ‘our industry’ proves it we will follow.
  8. Functional leaders breathe a sigh of relief and invest even more in industrial age systems and training. The illusion of doing something, in this case, is actually worse than doing nothing.
  9. The businesses failure is noted by customers who move to those who do understand and deliver Customer Experience success.
  10. The company becomes another footnote in the history books. Talked about at business schools and picked apart because of the failure to get the new Outside-In customer-centric mindset.

Making Customer Experience Successful everywhere all the time

This isn’t rocket science (unless you are NASA of course). Understanding that the structures and ways of working from the industrial age were NEVER designed to be customer-centric. They were established to make things faster by optimizing production lines.

And oh, don’t think because you are not in manufacturing you are OK. It is likely your complete ways of working will be making everything look like production management systems, with talk of leaning out, waste reduction, standardization, efficiency, productivity. Sound familiar?

Understanding this Customer Experience misalignment is fundamental.

I encourage doing three things before re-joining the CX road-march:

  1. Understand how big the gap is between what you are doing and what Successful Customer Outcomes you need to be delivering.
  2. Audit the current key performance indicators.
    Are they mostly about outputs?
    Usually, the balance will be 80% output metrics (like calls answered, Average Handle Times, Abandoned Rates, Projects completed on time to budget etc.).
    Meanwhile, the really important measures that tell you a Successful Customer Outcome is being achieved will only be a small proportion.
    What you measure is what you get and no amount of Customer Experience drum banging will work unless those measures of Outcomes become the most important.
  3. Create an awareness of what real CX success is all about.
    This isn’t just the stories. It is about the actual things on the ground that need to change. The WHY and the HOW go hand in hand. Often times upskilling a group of key players at all levels to make them Ambassadors for the Customer achieves way more than massive corporate investment in branding and image.

In conclusion, Customer Experience cannot be treated just like another corporate initiative. To achieve success requires a significant shift in mindsets, and when that is achieved the realignment of the Enterprise to Outside-In can really begin.

Want more guidance and tips like this?

☑ More Articles like this one
– visit my CX Obsession resources

 ☑ Upskilling and mentoringEvery level from the boardroom to the lunch room – BP Group

☑ In person and virtual trainingThe ACXM™ program

 ☑ Executive briefings and keynotesHow to get your hands on me and other CXperts (see what I did there?)

The 5th DC session is now open for registration

Come on down guys and gals (don’t want to seem sexist)

Accredited Champions, Professionals and Masters.

This year we are pleased to announce several new organizations stepping up to achieve Accredited Status. It is a recognition of the investment and desire to transform business processes positively and deliver exceptional customer experiences, whether those customers are consumers, other businesses or internal departments. Congratulations to all the individuals, sponsors and companies!

BPGroup Accredited Champions

Accredited Champion Organisations

have achieved a minimum of two or
more CPP Champions
Modern Pharmaceutical Company
British Nuclear Fuels
IQ BUSINESS (South Africa)
Caravel Group (NZ) Ltd
Old Mutual
The Nature Conservancy

Upcoming Session

London CPP Champion 

BPGroup Accredited Masters

Accredited Master Organisations
have achieved a minimum six or more CPP Masters

Workers Compensation Board
Bank of Valletta

Ergon Energy

Nedbank Limited
Cap Gemini
Aspire Group
Uganda Revenues
IQ BUSINESS (South Africa)

Upcoming Sessions
London CPP Masters
Denver CPP Masters
Brisbane CPP Master 

BPGroup Accredited Professional

Accredited Professional Organisations
have achieved a minimum of six or more CPP Professionals

EQUATE Petrochemicals Co
Manulife Indonesia
Nigeria LNG

Upcoming Session
Sydney CPP Professional