Is imitation the most sincere form of flattery?

Mahmoud Elsisi, CPP Master at Red Crescent, wins this months ‘spot of imitation’ with an article published by McKinsey. 

And you know we are so proud when someone outlines the approach, so have a look at and tell us what you think..

Customer Experience Management – it is all about the customer stupid!

Customer Experience Management is defined as the total effort that goes into creating successful customer outcomes.
This includes customer interactions and the conscious experience the customer ‘sees’ PLUS all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes, the IT, the people, the internal processes and the rules that connect the dots through to customer success.

For example a visit to a Cirque de Soleil in Las Vegas is a wonderful experience. The artists, the lights, the music and the emotion. However that is only half the story. The complete experience is delivered through the hard work behind the scenes, the production process, the electronics, the costumes, the training, the marketing, accounting and so on. Both what the customer sees and what creates the experience is the complete customer experience.

Do you want to get in the picture? Join us soon at a session in a city near you…

Join us to learn the Secrets of Apples, Googles, Zara, Zappos and Amazons success

Certified Process Professional Masters  Champions (CPP-Master) Program

An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 150 times, in 57 cities with delegates from 108 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism

Top teams? Results? bah, humbug.

What do the top teams want to see? What do they crave?

Answers on a postcard please…

Seriously though it is results. if what you are doing in the organisation does not contribute to improving the bottom line consistently you are dead in the water. All those fancy projects, training events, greenbelts qualified etc. mean nought if there is no apparent delivery to the bottom line.

Are you projects contributing to the bottom line or are you simply content to come in on time, to budget and achieve the deliverables? Are you content to deliver even more training to the workforce without establishing the true value of the work you do?

And when we say the bottom line contribution we should mean winning the triple crown – lowering costs, improving service and growing revenues. Winning the triple crown in other words.

So self audit time…

4 Incredible uses of Virtual Reality in the workplace

Very touching and inspiring Virtual Reality of a birth (congrats guys) however think also of the business applications here.. wow

What about Workshops, Walkthroughs, In the shoes of, Be the process… 

the sky is literally not the limit anymore. Imagine walking your executive team, together, in an immersive VR experience through the process?

“Out of clutter, find Simplicity. From discord, find Harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies Opportunity.”–Albert Einstein

Show them what the real mess looks like (not the sterile blame-laned diagram) and through their astonishment create the necessary change.

Join us to learn the Secrets of Apples, Googles, Zara, Zappos and Amazons success

Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program

An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism

How you can take the crazy future by the B**ls and make it yours…

Recent interview in USA at the most excellent PEX Conference

Join us to learn the Secrets of Apples, Googles, Zara, Zappos and Amazons success

Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program

An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism

Moments of Truth – the truth, and nothing but the truth

Richard Normanns idea from the 1970’s is alive and kicking 🙂

Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program
Orlando USA March 16-20, Denver USA March 23-27, Dubai UAE Apr 12-16
An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism

Are you with it?

There are insights into the way we do business that mean we have to rethink everything we thought we knew. Its time for a brand new model.

What insights are you involved with?

Are your colleagues on the same page?

What are you going to do tomorrow to implement the new ways?

Are you part of the solution?

Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program
Orlando USA March 16-20, Denver USA March 23-27, Dubai UAE Apr 12-16
An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism

The Customer Experience is the Process – how can you do that?

James Dodkins, CCO BP Group

Marketer’s are fond of segmenting customers by circumstance, for instance, where you live, your age profile and median salary. This approach is very limiting and only provides sparse information on what are the real Needs of the customer. For that we need a little more science and understand those requirements by identifying the successful customer outcome. 

This leads us to Categorizing by Need. So for instance a potential customer in the experience of either buying, renting or servicing a car might be ‘tech savvy’ or ‘silver surfer’ or ‘time is money’ people.  We can drill down into specific needs and identify how to operate the underpinning workflow systems, necessary interactions, people skills and so on.

We can summarize this into a handy grid we call the Customer Categorization approach (a handy tool created by BP Groups CCO James Dodkins

Naturally you should try this for yourselves and if you want to get professional about it join us on one of our upcoming CPP classes where we discuss, try out and prove 50+ other techniques as part of the CEMMethod™ approach. You will go away with a working template of how to deliver customer centricity and outside-in for you and your organization.

Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program
Orlando USA March 16-20, Denver USA March 23-27, Dubai UAE Apr 12-16
An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.
Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism

Customer Experience at its best – new book worth a read

James Dodkins new eBook launched in December 2014, “Foundations for Customer Centricity.” explores the basis of what makes a great Customer Experience.

The book delivers a pragmatic and executable plan that provides the means for organizations to deliver on the promise of Customer Centricity in terms of cost, revenue and service.

Participate in James Dodkins appearances in Florida w/c 19 January:
Connect with James:  
Evaluate the approach (45 minute webinar):
Join and share your understanding on Linked-in:

Keywords: CX, Customer Experience, Customer Experience Management, Customer Centricity, Successful Customer Outcomes

Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program
Orlando USA March 16-20, Denver USA March 23-27, Dubai UAE Apr 12-16
An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.
Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism