Process Excellence – where to now? Do we go quietly into the night….

We are gearing up for the next Customer and Process conference series, not least of which is the annual Australia PEXWeek event.

Here Steve Towers talks on the future of Process Excellence in the context of digital disruption and all things customer.

See the latest agenda at

Join us to learn the Secrets of Apples, Googles, Zara, Zappos and Emirates success

Certified Process Professional Masters Champions (CPP-Master) Program

An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 150 times, in 57 cities with delegates from 108 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism

1 week in 75 seconds at the CPP Masters in Australia (you Can:Do too)

We had a bit of fun this week with the completely revised and updated CPP Masters program.
Working with a terrific organisation who dedicate themselves to helping their community – Can:Do (see ten people qualified as CPP Masters.

This is in addition to the folks who achieved Masterdom last year at the Sydneys 14th CPP Master event.

Here’s three snippets, the first using signing.

Thanking you Can:Do for all you do.

This next one is the Certificate handout with a synopsis of the program.

And finally the earlier session in Sydney from 2014

Join us to learn the Secrets of Apples, Googles, Zara, Zappos and Amazons success

Certified Process Professional Masters
(CPP-Master) Program

An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism

How you can take the crazy future by the B**ls and make it yours…

Recent interview in USA at the most excellent PEX Conference

Join us to learn the Secrets of Apples, Googles, Zara, Zappos and Amazons success

Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program

An internationally recognized program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service.
Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism

PEX Week USA 2015 – 10/10 for effort guys

Process Excellence in Australia and New Zealand

With just a few days to go Australia is gearing up for the Annual Process Excellence conference in Sydney. Along side the unique and exclusive case studies there is networking and exchanging of stories covering process, performance, customer experience management and the digital customer. 

In addition to the networking and learning there is also the Annual Awards process. The categories are extensive including: 


·     Best Improvement Deployment Project – Large Organisation Award
·     Best Deployment Leader Of The Year Award
·     Best Customer-Experience Improvement Initiative Of The Year Award
·     Business Transformation CEO of the Year
·     Young Business Improvement Practitioner of the Year

In 2014  I had the pleasure of presenting Dr. Morgan Jones (Executive

Manager at Commonwealth Bank) with the Award for Biggest Contribution to Business Improvement Industry in Australasia, and Business Improvement Manager of the Year. Morgan has also been acknowledged in 2013 with fellowship in the Institute of Mechanical Engineers to reinforce his standing in both Australia and on the world stage.

Join Morgan and other leading process professionals at this years 10th Process Excellence event:

PEX Network and the Process Community Annual Survey

Diana Davis, PEX Network

State of the Industry 2013 Process Excellence Survey – Take the survey
Dear member,

Do you know how your process excellence program compares to others within your industry?

And what about the general trends and success factors you need to know to take your process improvement journey to the next level? We need your help to find out!

Every two years, PEX Network undertakes a “State of the Industry” investigation into how organizations are approaching process management and improvement.

Our last report, produced in 2011, was read by over 5,000 of you and we were deluged with requests for more information.

We’re now undertaking an update to this earlier investigation – benchmarking where the industry is today against previous surveys.

All you need to do to contribute is to spend 5 minutes of your time answering the 18 multiple choice questions in our online survey. We’ll send you the results when they’re published in September.

>> Take the survey now
Be part of what we hope to be the most comprehensive study of the profession to date.

Yours sincerely,
Diana Davis
Senior Editor,

P.S. Please do invite your colleague’s to take part before it closes on 24 July by sending them link

6. Breakpoints – 5 steps to heaven (continued)

Best Practice Tip:
As you name your breakpoints try using the syntax
do something, to something to get something.
An example might be
open the email to action the request

Make sure you follow the instructions we’ve provided in identifying the Break Points in the target area. Getting this right will play a very big part in determining the degree of benefit achieved.

Also, make sure you write them in a descriptive enough way that you can come back a day, a week or a month later and know what each Break Point is…

Enter this information into your template.

Step 3 – Describe your Actions

You are now ready to describe Actions that can be taken to eliminate Break Points. You have the Break Points documented, now what would it take to eliminate some of them from your target area?

For each Action you identify you need to know what the Action is (describe it) and what Break Points it eliminates. Most often Actions will eliminate multiple Break Points.

The number of Actions you identify and describe will depend on many factors. Try and get as many good Actions as you can, doing so will help you create the most beneficial cost reduction plan.

Enter this information into your template.

Step 4 – Do the Cost and Benefit Assessment

What else do we need to know? We need to place our Actions into perspective, which we do by answering three questions:

How Much? How Long? How Beneficial?

“How Much” is the cost (time, expense) of taking the Action? It’s best to judge cost by using the three categories of High, Medium and Low*.

“How Long” should be expressed in days, weeks or possibly months – but never years. Because eliminating causes of work is actually much easier (and less complicated) than fixing effects, most Actions will take 90 days or less*

(*many Actions will take less than 30 days to complete).

“How Beneficial” is the number of Break Points that would be eliminated combined with our judgment of the overall benefit of the Action. It’s also best to judge benefit as High, Medium or Low.

* The use of the High, Medium and Low scale plays an important psychological role in this technique. We really don’t need more detail than this to know which Actions we should take. By choosing to do a more detailed cost/benefit analysis we will create more work and distract ourselves from the goal – which is eliminating costs!

Enter this information into your template.

Step 5 – Build your Cost Reduction Plan

Choosing which Actions are to be taken should be pretty obvious at this point. From the information already gathered we can see which Actions have the most “bang for the buck.” But for the order of the Actions it’s important to create a mix that makes it easy for us to be successful on a regular basis.

Try starting with a “quick win” to get people enthused about the plan. Mix other “quick wins” into the plan to create “breathers.”

Also consider prioritizing an Action that addresses glaring issues – those we all know are “not right.” Doing this communicates your understanding of the people in your organization and your empathy with their concerns.

Number your Actions in the order in which you want them to be taken. Use the same number for Actions that should be taken simultaneously.

PEX Network European Awards

PEX 2013 in Florida. Participants enjoying the keynote.

Entry Deadline has been extended until 22nd February!

Review the Entry conditions for this
top rated BP Group supported event – then download the winners entries from last months US PEX Awards!

This is your opportunity for global
industry-wide recognition

You now have until Friday 22nd February 2013 to enter your project, program or deployment leader into the PEX Network European Awards.

If you are one of the innovators who are transforming and innovating process excellence this is the ideal opportunity to showcase your achievements to the judges and if you win, the wider community.

Winning an award will put you and your organisation on the process excellence map!

This year’s judges include Process Excellence experts from Bank of New York Mellon, DB, RSA, BP, Ministry of Justice, Honeywell, ABB, Fornari, Alstom, BP Group, Lloyd’s Register and BNP Paribas Cardif.

Enter as many of the 7 categories as you like. Just make sure you submit your Project or Programme by 22nd February 2013.

> View the categories

Feeling inspired? Put pen to paper to share your vision, strategy, project selection, metrics, communication, innovation and results to tell your process excellence story to our hand selected judges.

How to enter

Review the 7 categories and follow the simple 3 step process to enter.

Start by downloading your Application Kit

If you have any questions ahead of entering please contact us on

All shortlisted finalists will be announced mid-March.
Mark your diary for the Awards Ceremony on 30th April 2013, London.

Enter before Friday 22nd February – recognise your, your teams and your companies process excellence efforts!

All the best,
The PEX Network Awards Team

P.S. Start preparing your entry by downloading the Application Kit.

Looking for inspiration?
The winners of the PEX Network North American Awards have made their entries available for you.

Meet the 2013 North American Process Excellence award winners

Project Award Winner Best Project
Over 90 Days:

Braskem UNIB 2 RS – Reduction in fuel consumption at petrochemical processing plant

Project Award Winner Best Project
Under 90 Days:

Braskem UNIB 3 ABC- Increasing production capacity atchemical processing plant

Project Award Runner Up:
Scottsdale Healthcare – Pressure UlcerReduction Project

Congratulations to the Winners
and Runner Ups!

Process Excellence and Business Process Management

Continuing the theme of evergreen articles: