CX POWER Hour webinar

In just 60 minutes we will evaluate the 4 elements of a Customer Experience Management Ecosystem and how they can provide your organization with a company-wide ecosystem of CX management that focuses all of your team’s efforts and resources on delivering amazing customer experiences.

We are doing a CX POWER Hour this coming Wednesday 1 PM EDT/ 10 AM PDT Expert hosts include James Dodkins aka CX Rockstar, Doug Bell, Mitch Belsley (The Experience Manager) and Steve Towers BP Group.

Register here: CX_POWERUP_2019

Why you should attend

In just 60 minutes we will evaluate the 4 elements of a Customer Experience Management Ecosystem. We will review how the 4 elements can provide your organization with a company-wide ecosystem of CX management. This then focuses all of your team’s efforts and resources on delivering amazing customer experiences.

What we will cover

1. Operationalizing Experience Designs

(How do you create and socialize simple experience designs that everyone in the organization will be able to understand?)

2. Measuring successful customer outcomes instead of business outputs

(Are you still relying on subjective NPS and VOC data to drive your CX analytics program?)

3. Focus every employee in the company every single day on CX innovation and improvement

(Are you harnessing the power of feedback and ideation from your employees?)

4. Evolve and improve your experiences in days not months.

(How long is it taking you to go from idea to implementation?)

Register Now: The CX Power Hour 2019

James Dodkins, one of the hosts, has keynoted in the USA, Argentina, Mexico, UK, Australia and Germany in the last six months.

You will Win the Triple Crown

When you align your business around an understanding of your customer, you can increase your ability to grow revenue, significantly reduce cost, radically boost customer loyalty and engagement, tighten controls – and increase your competitive strength.

The Panel of Global Experts

Meet and discuss with our world-renowned team of Customer Experience Management innovators including… Doug Bell, James Dodkins, Mitch Belsley and Steve Towers will share proven strategies, tactics and tips to help position your customer ‘front and center’ – while addressing your real-world challenges of limited resources and competing priorities.

I very much hope you can join me and my colleagues!
Here is the registration link

All the Very Best!

Your team in Colorado

  • Doug Bell, CEO The Experience Manager
  • Steve Towers, Chief Evangelist, BPG
  • Mitch Belsley, CEO The Experience Manager

P.S. I suggest you follow The Experience Manager on LinkedIn and stay up-to-date on how to radically improve your customer and employee experiences. We focus the ‘next practices’ of the world’s leading CX companies that will help your organization do a better job designing, developing and delivering great customer and employee experiences.

Design Thinking – a new dawn for industry?

Google trends tell the story that Design Thinking (DT) tops many executive’s interests in helping deliver progressive services and products in a volatile 2018.

Consultants, Design studios, and so-called business experts have spawned new revenue streams as other management fads, sorry, approaches have declined in popularity.

Just do the math on google with ‘Design Thinking’ harvesting 15.2 million results in 0.4 seconds and the top ten results including training courses, how-to workshops and top team offsites offered by consulting firms. In fact, Epictions reports typically 10 DT articles a day currently being produced, consumed and naturally circulated around our senior executives.

No doubt you will know of new functions becoming a reality with DT central to their remit, but what exactly does this catchy label represent?

Is Design Thinking a real thing?

Is it different? Can DT be useful in navigating our increasingly volatile world? Are there genuine benefits to adopting DT enterprise-wide?

As an engineer and design thinker (note the lower case) for the best part of the last four decades, this concept is not new. The successful creation of new services and products always relies on the marriage of creative thought processes harnessed to pragmatic objectives to deliver bottom-line success. Sorry if that doesn’t sound as sexy as some of the DT consultants would have you believe.

But wait, there is good news… incorporating DT into industrial age approaches can breathe new life and significant business benefit for not just enterprises and employees, but most importantly customers and shareholders.

So what is this Damn Thing?

A critical element to understanding DT is that, unlike most commonly deployed methods, is not a linear 1-2-3, A-B-C endeavour. It is not a prescription and relies on the ability of organisations and their people to understand, learn, prototype and reinvent simultaneously the processes and customer experiences that deliver success. New services/products must articulate needs of customers (even when potentially the customer doesn’t know them) and move the needle in terms of cost, revenue and service simultaneously (the fabled ‘triple crown’).

So, a significant measure of DT success is winning the triple crown. Anything else that doesn’t convert the creative process into a top and bottom line success is just moving the chairs on the deck of the Titanic. It might look better, give us a different view, but it is still doomed and will ultimately fail to deliver.

To be successful you need to create an organization and individual mindset that understands ever-changing customer needs, expectations and

Is Design Thinking winning the Triple Crown?

fosters an approach of learning, rather than the silo-based, industrial age metrics common to many.


I am going to delve deeper in an upcoming article so if you would like to get the pro’s and con’s, the potential pitfalls and the how-to to ensure success join me again soon. If you register your interest here I will ping you the ‘how to’ piece as soon as it is ready.

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Design Thinking – the next steps”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][/contact-form]

Ciao for now, Steve.



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Certified Process Professional – 30 cities – limited seats – book Now!

Are you gearing up for 2013? Considering professional qualification to underpin your experience? Already on that journey and want to progress to the next level? Here is the first draft of the BP Groups 2013 program with Early Bird offers for those quick bookers. See you soon 🙂
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Steve Towers BP Group Chief Coach BP Group Certified Process Practitioner BP Group Certified Process Professional BP Group CPP Master BP Group CPP Advanced Master CPP Champion
Practitioner Professional Master Adv. Master Champion Course
Location Region Lead Coach CPP1 CPP2-3 CPP4-5 CPP6-7 CPP8 ID
Brisbane Australia Jennifer van Wyk Mar 11 Mar 12-13 Mar 14-15 AUS
Sydney Australia Jennifer van Wyk Mar 18 Mar 19-20 Mar 21-22 AUS
Brisbane Australia Steve Towers Apr 15-16 Apr 17-18 AUS
Sydney Australia Steve Towers Apr 22-23 Apr 24-25 AUS
Helsinki Finland Samir Asaf Nov 26 Nov 27 EUR
Brussels Belgium Samir Asaf Nov 29 Nov 30 EUR
London UK James Dodkins Dec 10 Dec 11-12 Dec 13-14 EUR
London UK Steve Towers Dec 17-18 Dec 19-20 EUR
Amsterdam Netherlands Steve Towers Jan 7 Jan 8 EUR
Zurich Switzerland Steve Towers Jan 10 Jan 11 EUR
London UK James Dodkins Mar 4 Mar 5-6 Mar 7-8 EUR
London UK Steve Towers Mar 11-12 Mar 13-14 EUR
London UK Steve Towers May 2 May 3 EUR
Pune India Laxman M Jan 17 Jan 18 IND
Kolkata India Laxman M Feb 4 Feb 5 IND
Chennai India Laxman M Feb 7 Feb 8 IND
Mumbai India Steve Towers Feb 11 Feb 12 IND
Pune India Laxman M Mar 4 Mar 5-6 Mar 7-8 IND
Delhi India Laxman M Mar 18 Mar 19 IND
Hyderabad India Laxman M Mar 21 Mar 22 IND
Bangalore India Laxman M Mar 25 Mar 26-27 Mar 28-29 IND
Kolkata India Laxman M Apr 8 Apr 9-10 Apr 11-12 IND
Chennai India Laxman M Apr 15 Apr 16 IND
Dhakka Bangladesh Samir Asaf Jan 28 Jan 29-30 Jan 31-Feb 1 BAN
Dubai UAE James Dodkins Mar 17 Mar 18-19 Mar 20-21 UAE
Dubai UAE Steve Towers Mar 24-25 Mar 26-27 UAE
Niarobi Kenya Jennifer van Wyk Nov 29 Nov 30 AFR
Cape Town South Africa Jennifer van Wyk Jan 7 Jan 8-9 Jan 10-11 AFR
Joburg South Africa Jennifer van Wyk Feb 11 Feb 12-13 Feb 14-15 AFR
Lagos Nigeria Jennifer van Wyk Apr 15 Apr 16-17 Apr 18-19 AFR
Niarobi Kenya Jennifer van Wyk Apr 22 Apr 23-24 Apr 25-26 AFR
Cape Town South Africa Steve Towers May 13-14 May 15-16 AFR
Sao Paulo Brazil Jennifer van Wyk 13 May 14-15 May 16-17 May SAM
Rio de J. Argentina Jennifer van Wyk 20 May 21-22 May 23-24 May SAM
Orlando Florida James Dodkins Jan 29-30 Jan 31-Feb 1 NAM
Orlando Florida Steve Towers Jan 28 Feb 4-5 Feb 6-7 NAM
Toronto Canada Steve Towers Feb 18 Feb 19-20 Feb 21-22 NAM
Singapore Singapore Samir Asaf Feb 25 Feb 26-27 Feb 28-29 SEA
Kuala L. Malaysia Steve Towers Feb 25 Feb 26 SEA
Kuala L. Malaysia Samir Asaf Mar 25 Mar 26-27 Mar 28-29 SEA
Hong Kong China Samir Asaf Apr 29 Apr 30-May 1 May 2-3 SEA
Beijing China Samir Asaf May 20 May 21-22 May 23-24 SEA