The Need for Multi-Experience Management

The rules today incent organizations to pay people for doing tasks and activities. We have to change that.

If we incent people to achieve Successful Outcomes then we win for the employees, customers, shareholders, in fact, everyone except the competitors! This is what PARALLEL enables. Watch the video and try it for free.

The world’s first Outside-in software platform.

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Do you want to embrace advanced Customer-Centric thinking and become Outside-In?

👉 Step #1 – Review the upskilling options to become an ACX Professional & ACX Master:

👉 Step #2 – Get The Book: Outside-In The Secret *FREE*

👉 Step #3 – Connect With The Community:

👉 Step #4 – Keep Pace with Change: Recent Keynote – The Hard Benefits of XM |

👉 Step #5 – Review the Testimonials Accredited Customer Experience Professional – BPG (

Customer Experience world-class online training

The online ACX Masters program gives Customer Experience and Business Transformation leaders the opportunity to go beyond surface-level presentation and get hands-on, practical takeaways to enable their own successful, business-wide transformations.

Attracting 100,000+ global professionals for those handling seismic business change, this Masterclass provides a Fast track look into customer experience management, change, leadership, BPM and CX space, and the challenges that leading industry professionals are overcoming, both on a macro and micro level.

See the full ACX Masters Level 1-5 online agenda at

Gain the insights from the 2020 Amazon Number One bestseller, ‘Dare! Behind The Scenes Of The Best Business Transformation Project In The World.’ And how large and small organizations can transform their people, processes and performance rapidly with an inclusive approach that delivers successful business and customer outcomes.

The Need for Experience Management

The rules today incent organizations to pay people for doing tasks and activities. We have to change that.

If we incent people to achieve Successful Outcomes then we win for the employees, customer, shareholders, in fact, everyone except the competitors! This is what The Experience Manager enables.

Access The Experience Manager:
The worlds first Outside-in platform.

Join us at an upcoming workshop/session:

Outside-In The Secret (book on this theme from 2010)


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Customer Experience and Outside-In

In a recent article we covered McKinsey’s take on Outside-In. This time let’s look at a practical toolkit that can help you define any process, set of activities, or indeed enterprise in terms of the Customer Experience.

Our guidance ultimately links every task and activity in the organization with a Successful Customer Outcome. The Customer Experience is therefore the sum of all interactions; both those seen by the customer and those taking place backstage.

Customer Experiences should ultimately be designed and controlled for the mutual benefit of the customer and the organization.

Six steps to winning with the Customer Experience

1. Start by identifying the Moments of Truth (customer interactions)that exist across all of your customer experiences (you can create more specific experience maps later).

2. Make a list of all the Moments of Truth (MOT).For each MOT write a description, method of interaction, and customer expectation.
We use the Diagnostics dashboard to make sure we turn the MOTs into 15 quantifiable and actionable metrics.

There are three ways to collect and collate this information:

  • Workshops of all interested people.
    That includes customers, advisors, employees and management.
  • Recording of actual experiences.
    Yes, record the experiences and evaluate afterwards. We use a video technique that identified Moments of Truth with red flashes, Internal Interactions with blue and decision points as green.
  • Analysis of customer feedback.
    Review the letters, calls and social network commentary and capture the experiences to gain insights and a better understanding.

3. Document the learning and produce a visual illustration(process activity maps).

4. Use the maps to identify areas working well and those that need improvement.Focus on the critical MOTs — those crucial interactions that determine whether the experience you are creating delivers the optimum encounter, expectation and emotion.

5. Build a Action Plan to engineer the ABACUS of the customer experience.
At each stage identify the relevant MOTs that cover off these elements

  • Awareness
    When and How does the customer become aware of the process, product or service you offer?
  • Buy-In
    How and Where does the customer ‘get it’ and become an advocate for the experience?
  • Acquisition
    How is the purchase made. Not just a product buy but the actual commitment.
  • Care
    Why should the customer care? How do you ensure the trust and commitment is reciprocal and reinforced?
  • Use
    How does the product, service work. Has it been designed from the customers perspective (Outside-In)? Ease of use goes beyond efficiency and focuses directly on the actual customer experience.
  • Share
    In our always-on world how does Share happen? Is that understood and optimized? Recall the fantastic tale from Canada – Westjet Christmas story[1] with more than 35 million hits on youtube in 3 months. By the way that is more than the population of Canada! That’s good news, but what about capturing the bad news before it becomes a crisis – recall the United Breaks guitar[2] story?

6. Engage the entire organization to undertake the journey to Customer Experience Management.We use the structured CEMMethod™, derived from the work of companies such as Virgin, Disney, Southwest Airlines, Emirate, BMW, Bentley, Zara and many more truly Outside-In enterprises. Whoever and where-ever you are it is directly and immediately useful.

If you are serious about engineering the Customer Experience then let us know (below). We will provide immediate links to videos, resources and an expert community doing this stuff as a way of life.

[1] Westjet Christmas – a terrific example of sharing your values and ethos –

[2] United Breaks Guitars – how a bad experience turns into a corporate crisis –

Links for those hungry for Outside-In and advanced business process transformation – 283 articles on Advanced BPM
– 200+ articles on business process transformation
– Over 50 videos on the theme
– More than 70 presentations (downloadable)
– 80+ courses leading to the Certified Process Professional qualification (CPP) all over the globe through 2013/14
– for all things and links Outside In
– Professional qualifications since 1992
– FREE course featuring the Secret Sauce
  – Testimonials about us
– 11,000 members networking with ideas

CEMMethod update (new version pending)

In January we updated the CEMMethod (it is now on its fifth version since 2006). Before year end we will introducing several new concepts and tools. If you would like that information please subscribe to the blog and I will include you in the previews.