Results-Oriented Communications are Now Emerging.

Results-Oriented Communications Are Now Emerging

Jim Sinur says
“It is becoming painfully evident that traditional communication channels are just not making the grade in these days of group innovation and fast-moving change.

Organizations are dealing with communication challenges that are accelerating in today’s demanding world.

If you have ever had to manage, influence, guide, or participate in or with groups of various people inside or outside your organization, you know how severe communication issues can be.

These issues can only be solved by communications focused on results while all participating can be moving towards results in synchronization. The shift from messages only to include pertinent data tracked to results is the best way to find the straightest line to desired outcomes….” continue at …

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Do you have the Right Obsessions?

In one minute you have the distilled strategy from the man who has created an empire with a very simple philosophy.

The Richest Guy on the Planet tells us how to do it

We live, eat and breathe this stuff. Come and learn how to do it for you and your organization. We can’t promise you will become another Jeff but you will change to healthier Obsessions!

Join our upcoming Coaching and Accreditation sessions online, LIVE & Interactive

Certified Process Professional
Master (CPPM)
10th Aug4 days @ 5 hours per day
Accredited CX Master
18th Aug4 days @ 5 hours per day
Accredited CX Mentor
1st Sep4 weeks @ 3 hours per week
Accredited CX Champion
8th Sep3 days @ 5 hours per day
Certified Process Professional
Champion (CPPC)
22nd Sep3 days @ 5 hours per day
Certified Outside In Master
8th Sep7 weeks @ 3 hours per week

Customer Obsession v. Customer Focused

Jeff Bezos encourages us to become Customer Obsessed (see video snippet) however Netflix’s journey to CX Obsession is less well known.