Calling wannabe CPP Masters™ in Detroit

Everyone needs to keep pace with the changes happening in and around business these days. Gone are the times when attending a talking heads training course was good enough when the need is to return to work with a proven and tested approach that simply works immediately.

That is what the Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master™) program is all about. With over 100,000 qualified professionals across 118 countries and established across 90% of the fortune 400 companies this training has a great pedigree. Review the detail for the upcoming Detroit session:

Here’s a nice testimonial:

Recent comments on the CPP Masters program

Review the program detail for the upcoming session:

or go ahead and buy your tickets here…


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Reflecting on his success – a Virgin still?

This video from a few years ago captures both the man and the moment.

He goes from strength to strength and this quote epitomizes his credo “I believe that drudgery and clock-watching are a terrible betrayal of that universal, inborn entrepreneurial spirit.”

Rock on Richard, carry on challenging and changing. At the end of the day it is the customer who wins because of you.

Customer Experience. Two dirty words.


Do you feel, as a customer, like a nuisance to be endured?
You are the disruption to a good days sleep in so many inside-out companies. The fact you pay their salaries is accepted under sufferance and they do the level best to avoid directly dealing with you, locking you into automated lines with interminable messages about how important service is.
 These clumsy organizations even go to conferences now for advice on how to avoid dealing with customers; how to market to them in the automated lines and worst of all how to get you repeating your calls over and over. Feels wrong? Yes it should. 
Our research suggest the answer is simple for progressive companies.
Just answer the phone and talk with your customer. 

Process Transformation (PT). What is the meaning of that?

Process Transformation (PT). What is the meaning of that?
Let’s try three versions:
1.     Process exists to be transformed. But when we say transformed how high is the bar? 20%, 30% improvement or more? And what are we measuring when we say PT. Is it elapsed time, touch time or actual real metrics important for business success like cost, revenue and service?     Process is a collection of tasks and activities aimed at achieving clearly defined outputs. So PT sets out to turn the existing Tasks and Activities upside-down and completely realign everything towards achieving Successful Customer Outcomes? Really.
Or is PT just a fancy name for the latest version of Lean or Six Sigma?
3.     Process itself has changed its spots. Someone famous once said “the customer experience is the process”. For those who worship at that alter of process PT represents a means to the end. That is to truly make process subservient to delivering customer success, and as such that embraces incremental and radical ideals. 
Those organizations who get it and achieve results others think are magic understand the third point.
PT is, at the end of the day, all about delivering Successful Customer Outcomes, consistently without exception.

The Process Excellence Network annual US gathering

One for your diaries – Orlando, January 2014. The Annual get together for everyone process, performance and customer orientation.

Bringing together leading practitioners, solution providers and the latest exclusive case studies.

If there is one major event in your process, lean, sigma, bpm, customer, outside in diaries for 2014 get along to this one.

PEX Sydney a very good customer experience

My annual visit to present, judge and deliver the PEX CPP Program at this splendid event on Darling Harbour did not disappoint.
See below for my presentation on the theme of raising the bar to win customer gold.

This year an eclectic mix of speakers and subjects kept us enthralled throughout. Chair this year was evergreen Morgan Jones (BOC) who lifted energy levels, provided great entertainment (I noted a few of his cheesy jokes) and most of connected everyone with a mix of insight, professionalism and skill.

Morgan can be rightfully pleased with himself as this year he was the recipient of the Best Improvement Manager of the year Award, and recipient of a very well deserved Most Valuable Contribution to BI in Australasia Award.

Morgan Jones, BOC received not one but two Awards!

It isn’t often we see Morgan speechless however that evening was one of those occasions!

A feature of the event is the cocktail evening which provides opportunities to network and exchange those new war stories. Lisa Ao and Ross Clayton of IQPC did a splendid job as hosts to keep proceedings moving and ensure we all had a great time.

The winner of the Best BI Award was Sven Verbreek Wolthuys – D.E Coffee and Tea. His work across Sara Lee is an inspiration to all.

The presentation I was asked to deliver addressed the theme of new customer expectations. How can we get in front of the song and make sure we control our processes to deliver Successful Customer Outcomes? Enjoy!

Who inspires your thinking?

An interesting thought…. People passionate about process realize that everything is process. Even the way we think is a process. One of my inspirations is a guy called Richard Bandler (co founder of NLP). I caught this recent radio interview in the UK recently (13 mins long) that really captures the essence of thinking differently (and changing your process).