The 3 Most Frustrating things about those people who love Quotes

Stay with me for this one. James Dodkins says he just cut n pasted the best CX Quotes into his cornerstone work of 365 CX Quotes. He didn’t because I was there to see the process… try this google ‘Great Quotes’* and you will have some idea of the size of the task in hand.

* It produces results of nearly two billion. šŸ˜±

And we all know that 95% of those are dross. So that leaves just 10 million half ways decent ones to get it down to 365 which itself is a herculean task. However he did it, and you can get the results for free (see the link below). One a day CX quotes to brighten the dullest day. And without the dross.

Talking of arrogance and dross produced a really nice quote from that brilliant sci-fi guy, Isaac Asimov.

Let’s just say, like some of us, he doesn’t suffer fools gladly…

Now I would have included that, but I also know James Dodkins hates with a passion sci-fi. Don’t mention Star Trek, Star Wars, or Space Rangers. You will become persona non gratis šŸ˜‚ Hence Isaac isn’t in this book…..

Even so, this book is an inspiration.
Open it at random and you might get your thoughts changed for a day or two. Or treat it like a 365-day advent calendar and regale your friends with a quote a day for a year – no don’t do that, it is too nerdy.

Here are a couple of fine examples.

I especially like this one. Been there and done that way too often.

Here’s a link that will get you this work of a genius (OK then, the work of the CX RockStar)

Catch you soon!

Steve Towers

To upskill to the latest CX ‘Next Practice’ Find out more:

There are always more questions than answers šŸ˜‰ However, in the ACX Masters program, we cover all the bases and provide a set of tools and approaches that enable you to WIN THE TRIPLE CROWN in every CX initiative
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The 11 Critical Things Mentally Strong People Avoid

Entrepreneurs are often interested in physical strength and health, but mental strength is even more important. Mental strength is a critical characteristic for entrepreneurs, as many articles address tenacity, ā€œgrit,ā€ optimism, and unfailing ability to ā€œfail up,ā€ as David Williams of Forbes puts it.

do not resist change, embrace it

However, mentally strong individuals avoid doing certain things as well. Licensed Clinical psychotherapist and social worker Amy Morin[1] created a list of things mentally strong individuals donā€™t do as part of LifeHack. It inspired me enough to summarize and spread it around, and Iā€™ll add my thoughts on how these things relate to entrepreneurs.

  1. Mentally strong individuals donā€™t waste time feeling bad for themselves.
    They donā€™t waste time thinking about how theyā€™ve been wronged. They are responsible for their actions and consequences and realize that life isnā€™t always fair. Even though they emerge from difficult situations with self-awareness and gratitude for the lessons learned, they can respond to an unfavorable outcome with the phrase ā€œOh, well.ā€ Next!ā€ or simply ā€œNext!ā€
  2. Hand their Power to Others.
    Mentally strong individuals avoid relinquishing control to others, ensuring they do not feel inadequate or inferior. They understand that they are in charge of their actions and emotions. They acknowledge that their strength lies in managing how they respond.
  3. Seeing change as an enemy
    A mentally strong person accepts change and challenges with open arms. If they have a greatest ā€œfear,ā€ it is of becoming inwardly focused, complacent, and stuck. An environment of change, challenge, and uncertainty can energize a mentally strong person and bring out their best.

  4. Waste time on things beyond their control.
    A mentally strong person doesnā€™t whine about bad traffic, lost luggage, or other people (as these things are usually outside of their control) but instead focuses on what they can control: their response and attitude. Even in a bad situation, they know that the only thing they can always control is their response and perspective, and they make the most of these attributes.

  5. Wanting to be liked by everyone.
    Do you know any people pleasers or people who go out of their way to displease others to reinforce an image of strength? Neither position is good. A mentally strong individual aims to be kind and just, in addition to pleasing others if appropriate, but they are not afraid to speak up. They can deal with difficult situations where someone might become upset with grace, if possible.

  6. Worry over taking Risks.
    A mentally strong person is very willing to take calculated risks. This differs from taking foolish risks. However, with mental strength, an individual can weigh the risks and benefits thoroughly, consider the potential downsides and even the worst-case scenarios before taking action, and make a rational decision.

  7. Lament and become sentimental about a past event.
    A mentally strong person can avoid miring their mental energy in past disappointments or fantasies of the ā€œglory daysā€ in the past. Acknowledging and learning from past experiences, in particular, provides mental strength. Investing the majority of their mental energy in creating an optimal present and future is what mentally strong people do.

  8. Avoid Habitual Mistakes.
    The definition of insanity is when we take the same actions repeatedly while hoping for a better outcome than we got the last time. We all know what it means. A mentally strong individual acknowledges responsibility for previous actions and is willing to learn from errors. According to research, one of the greatest strengths of successful executives and entrepreneurs is their self-reflective, accurate, and effective way of thinking.

  9. Avoid the Green Monster trap.
    It takes strength of character to be genuinely pleased and enthused by other peopleā€™s achievements. Mentally strong people possess this skill. When others succeed, they donā€™t become jealous or resentful (although they may carefully observe what the individual did right). They work hard for their own success rather than taking shortcuts and are willing to do so.

  10. Surrender when they fail.
    The most outstanding entrepreneurs acknowledge that many failures characterized their first efforts. Every failure provides an opportunity to improve. Mentally tough individuals are willing to fail repeatedly as long as they can learn from each ā€œfailure.ā€ They donā€™t fear being alone; they treasure and even enjoy it. During their downtime, mentally strong individuals reflect, plan, and accomplish things. They donā€™t need others to keep them happy and cheerful, so they donā€™t rely on others. They can enjoy being with others and also enjoy being alone.

  11. Ā Understand that the world owes them nothing.
    Employees and executives at all levels realize that the world does not owe them a salary, rewards package, and an easy life regardless of their education and preparation. People with mental strength are prepared to work and succeed on their own merits at every stage of life.

    Those who want immediate results will be disappointed. Even when they start a business or begin a workout plan, people with mental toughness are in it for the long haul. They know that they must take measured doses of time and energy and celebrate each step of success as they go. They have staying power and recognize that real change takes time.

    Are you mentally tough? What areas of these habits do you need to strengthen?
Change Your Habits Change Your Life


To upskill to the latest ‘Next Practice’ Find out more:

There are always more questions than answers šŸ˜‰ However, in the ACX Masters program, we cover all the bases and provide a set of tools and approaches that enable you to WIN THE TRIPLE CROWN in every CX initiative
Join us soon!

Leveraging Analytics to Create the Ultimate Customer Experience Ecosystem

Dr. Durrell Ramrathan, Ph.D

Dr. Durrell Ramrathan is for many an unsung hero carving a path for the rest of us to follow as he takes CX and Analytics to the next level. This recent keynote is exactly what |I am talking about, chokka block full of useful practical guidance and some great stories at the same time.

Watch the presentation here and download the transcript below.

You can reach out to Durrel at: Durel Ramrathan, Ph.D
and he is part of the groundbreaking CX team headed by Roland D. Naidoo over at #Multichoice.

Get the Transcript:

To upskill to the latest ‘Next Practice’ Find out more:

There are always more questions than answers šŸ˜‰ However, in the ACX Masters program, we cover all the bases and provide a set of tools and approaches that enable you to WIN THE TRIPLE CROWN in every CX initiative
Join us soon!

Busting That Silo Working Mentality

This time we feature a nice short video from the CX Rockstar James Dodkins.

A quick google search on ‘Silo working’ reveals 37.1 Million finds and this is not a new topic. Hammer and Champy were not the first to raise the issue in 1993, but they were early advocates of sweeping away that silo thinking in ‘Reengineering the Corporation’ with their cry of ‘Don’t Automate, Obliterate!’

The Silo Mentality as defined by theĀ Business DictionaryĀ is aĀ mindset present when certain departments or sectors do not wish to share information with others in the same company. This type of mentality will reduce efficiency in the overall operation, reduce morale, and may contribute to the demise of a productive company culture.

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Customer Experience world-class online training

The online ACX Masters program gives Customer Experience and Business Transformation leaders the opportunity to go beyond surface-level presentation and get hands-on, practical takeaways to enable their own successful, business-wide transformations.

Attracting 100,000+ global professionals for those handling seismic business change, this Masterclass provides a Fast track look into customer experience management, change, leadership, BPM and CX space, and the challenges that leading industry professionals are overcoming, both on a macro and micro level.

See the full ACX Masters Level 1-5 online agenda at

Gain the insights from the 2020 Amazon Number One bestseller, ā€˜Dare! Behind The Scenes Of The Best Business Transformation Project In The World.ā€™ And how large and small organizations can transform their people, processes and performance rapidly with an inclusive approach that delivers successful business and customer outcomes.

Transforming Customer Experience FREE Webinar

A STRUCTURED step by step GUIDE to understanding and acting on REAL Customer Needs.Ā This webinar features the rarest alchemy of converting customer experiences into precious metal.

Steve Towers walks you through a case-study in the creation of two pivotal tools, the Outside-In Strategic Matrix (OISM) and the Successful Customer Outcome Canvas (SCOC).

ReviewĀ the content:Ā FREE Webinar:


Developing a consensus and subsequent action plan is key to success. Watch how one airline deliversĀ Successful Customer Outcomes.Ā 

Sign-up for this FREE Webinar:

The CX Secrets to be Revealed include

any process and CX to a customer-centric model

How to use a powerful template that gets full collaboration

How to create an agreed understanding of the REAL CX within 2-3 hours


SECRET #2: HOW TO IDENTIFY and AGREE the real customer needs (even when they don’t know them!)
How to quickly focus on REAL needs and create an agreed framework to share with everyone involved with the CX and linked processes


SECRET #3: HOW TO ACTION a clearly defined SMART set of metrics that guide your work
How to create a definitive set of METRICS that align everything you do to quickly deliver and sustain Successful Customer Outcomes


Sign-up for this FREE Webinar:

And then… Ā  Ā  Ā  When you have the SECRETS I will then introduce you to the Accredited Customer Experience Masters (ACXM) program. TheĀ global certified qualification in 116 countries!

Connecting with Customer Experience

Neat utility that can help with trending Customer Experience topics šŸ™‚ #cx

hashtags data by

Six steps to winning with the Customer Experience

1. Start by identifying the Moments of Truth (customer interactions)that exist across all of your customer experiences (you can create more specific experience maps later).

2. Make a list of all the Moments of Truth (MOT).For each MOT write a description, method of interaction, and customer expectation.
We use the Diagnostics dashboard to make sure we turn the MOTs into 15 quantifiable and actionable metrics.

There are three ways to collect and collate this information:

  • Workshops of all interested people.
    That includes customers, advisors, employees and management.
  • Recording of actual experiences.
    Yes, record the experiences and evaluate afterwards. We use a video technique that identified Moments of Truth with red flashes, Internal Interactions with blue and decision points as green.
  • Analysis of customer feedback.
    Review the letters, calls and social network commentary and capture the experiences to gain insights and a better understanding.

3. Document the learning and produce a visual illustration(process activity maps).

4. Use the maps to identify areas working well and those that need improvement.Focus on the critical MOTs ā€” those crucial interactions that determine whether the experience you are creating delivers the optimum encounter, expectation and emotion.

5. Build a Action Plan to engineer the ABACUS of the customer experience.
At each stage identify the relevant MOTs that cover off these elements

  • Awareness
    When and How does the customer become aware of the process, product or service you offer?
  • Buy-In
    How and Where does the customer ā€˜get itā€™ and become an advocate for the experience?
  • Acquisition
    How is the purchase made. Not just a product buy but the actual commitment.
  • Care
    Why should the customer care? How do you ensure the trust and commitment is reciprocal and reinforced?
  • Use
    How does the product, service work. Has it been designed from the customers perspective (Outside-In)? Ease of use goes beyond efficiency and focuses directly on the actual customer experience.
  • Share
    In our always-on world how does Share happen? Is that understood and optimized? Recall the fantastic tale from Canada – Westjet Christmas story[1] with more than 35 million hits on youtube in 3 months. By the way that is more than the population of Canada! Thatā€™s good news, but what about capturing the bad news before it becomes a crisis ā€“ recall the United Breaks guitar[2] story?

6. Engage the entire organization to undertake the journey to Customer Experience Management.We use the structured CEMMethodā„¢, derived from the work of companies such as Virgin, Disney, Southwest Airlines, Emirate, BMW, Bentley, Zara and many more truly Outside-In enterprises. Whoever and where-ever you are it is directly and immediately useful.

If you are serious about engineering the Customer Experience then let us know (below). We will provide immediate links to videos, resources and an expert community doing this stuff as a way of life.

[1] Westjet Christmas ā€“ a terrific example of sharing your values and ethos –

[2] United Breaks Guitars ā€“ how a bad experience turns into a corporate crisis –

The And or Or of Customer Experience (interview from

The best Customer Experience insights should be quick to deliver and directly to the point.

This interview hosted by Adam Toporek with author Daniel Newman (CEO of has several interesting reflections with a few home truths in less than 5 minutes.

CEMMethod update (new version pending)

In January we updated the CEMMethod (it is now on its fifth version since 2006). Before year end we will introducing several new concepts and tools. If you would like that information please subscribe to the blog and I will include you in the previews.