An important question if you are tasked with making Customer Experience #CX work for your organization.
Let’s contrast and compare current trends!
Twitter – Trends emerge when you monitor hashtags, and the shorthand for Customer Experience #cx is a good starting point. When you contrast #CX with other popular management approaches such as #lean #lss and #bpm is interesting:
That puts #CX in the ascendency.
What about #CX with other associated interests?
Top of the Tweeters for Customer Experience is Colin Shaw with over 43,400 #CX tweets.
If you follow him you will never be short of material related to Customer Experience as he vacuums the web for interesting articles, in addition to his own contributions.
Jump to the latest on Twitter with
What about LinkedIn?
A recent introduction of hashtags to this platform provides a good insight…
Searching LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator platform with #CX reveals 83.4K members using Customer Experience as part of their profiles (that is 10 times greater than those using #lean).
The demographics of the 83.4K show a predominance of folks in the US.
- United States (25,513)
- United Kingdom (5,733)
- Australia (5,200)
- India (4,622)
- Brazil (3,527)
- Sydney, Australia (2,639)
If you slice the data into companies expressing their interest in #CX we can see Oracle way ahead.
- Oracle (3,783)
- Amazon (534)
- IBM (437)
- Microsoft (433)
Does this reflect a reframing of their products to emphasize Customer Experience as a top table strategic interest?
And What about Google?
Searching #CX reveals 317,000,000 results in 0.8 seconds. That is one helluva a lot of reading. Drilling down with Google Trends, and using the same comparisons with Lean, LSS, BPM and CX produces an interesting contrast with Twitters results. Here we do see a decline in interest with Lean however the interest is still significantly ahead of CX.
We will revist this analysis periodically. Now go away and start researching all those interesting sources!