Global leader in Lean Six Sigma (owner of the 370,000+ Linkedin group) provides terrific insight…

My advice is that mapping and modeling can be useful when they help take complex stuff that is hard to analyze and understand in our individual minds and converts into simple and visual stuff that Many Individual Minds can collectively understand. 

Just remember that regardless if you just need a Gemba Walk to observe the process real-time or advanced Systems that allow us to observe real-time or one-moment static snapshots, we are better served when collaboration with many minds (even those that disagree with us) is where most of the learning and understanding will take place. 

That we need to be suspicious of the models because they are built on assumptions and so always be prepared for the unknown or unseen, and that the usefulness/purpose is better served when we can directly link to the strategic business and customer value we are seeking to achieve.

Steven Bonacorsi

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5 Proven Tips for Success as a Business Analyst: Tip 1


Mark Barnett
Business Analysis Thought Leader
Business Analysis for the 21st century
This is the first in a series of five blogs covering the same number of tips for success as a Business Analyst (BA).  The primary audience would be the leader of a BA team, though BA’s and those looking to hire BA’s should also have an interest in what will be shared in this series. 
And with that, I’ll pose the following question to Business Analysts, or anyone who’s done those tasks usually seen as within the bailiwick of a BAs…
Why is it that everyone in your organization doesn’t immediately recognize all the great value a Business Analyst can bring?
After all, what could be bad about using a disciplined approach to define the real, underlying needs of your company and identifying solutions that deliver value to stakeholders?  Nothing, right?
Well, the reason they may not recognize the value might be staring you in the mirror!  Here are some proven tips that will help ensure you are positioned to move from the promise of potential value to the delivery of real value.
Who Should Read This Article?
This article is written mainly for those who recently joined, or are soon to join, a new company, and will be responsible for building a new or taking over an existing Business Analysis (BA) discipline.  If you are in the latter position of taking over an existing discipline, the advice given here will be most helpful if the existing BA discipline is still struggling for acceptance or recognition.
Alternatively, if you are the hiring manager for a BA or BA team leader, this article might provide some helpful insights for selecting the right candidate, and laying the groundwork to make the BA discipline successful in your organization.
I’m not ignoring those who already work for a company and are moving into a BA or BA manager role.  I believe some of this may be helpful to you as well. However my assumption is that, as someone who already knows the culture and many of the people in the organization, you will be in a better position to avoid some of the problematic behaviors I’ve seen from BAs in multiple situations and companies, as described below.
The Business Analyst’s Dilemma
Business Analysis is an area that has, in recent years, become recognized as a valid career path.  This is in large part due to the efforts of the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), which has provided strong leadership in this area since 2003.  That’s great!  But… what is Business Analysis anyway?  And who is a Business Analyst?  And where does the Business Analyst handoff work to others?  These are not simple questions to answer.  And if you think they are, that might be part of the problem! 
As to the question, “What is Business Analysis?” the IIBA defines it as “…the practice of enabling change in an organizational context, by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders.”1 That’s not bad… though it certainly can be broadly interpreted!
I completely agree that the things a Business Analyst does can bring great value and insight to an organization.  And if those things have never been done, or at least never been done well, the results for the organization can be stellar – even game changing!
So where’s the dilemma?  In my experience…..
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A proven leader in formulating and delivering solid solutions for the most pressing business challenges organizations face in creating and delivering value to customers and shareholders. Senior Executive consulting services delivering extraordinary outcomes in all client engagements.

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  • I’m basically a big kid, there’s a part of me that has never grown up. I love to have fun and make people laugh.
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  • Lawrence D. (Larry) Duckworth is a former Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Board(s) member, Growth and Liquidity Adviser, Financing Adviser, Boards member, and Adjunct Professor.
  • Proven track record of leading and consulting on many complex projects with diverse teams across different departments and companies. Developed and currently lead an extensive Lean Six Sigma training and mentoring program used across the Sprint enterprise.
  • Pradeep Henry is driven to turn software projects into strategic initiatives. To make this change happen, he brings a strategy-driven Discovery-and-Design method. Previously, as innovator, de facto innovation & change leader, and practice director, Henry played a proven role in the competitive differentiation and storied fast growth of Dun & Bradstreet spinoff Cognizant Technology Solutions.
  • Founder of i-nexus, the leader in cloud-based software for strategy execution. Respected thought leader, adviser and co-architect of the Strategy Execution 2.0 “Business System” that is rapidly becoming the de facto blueprint for how large organizations successfully deploy and execute their strategic objectives.

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