Improving your Lot (No not real estate)

Achieving personal success is naturally, one would think, a precursor to delivering amazing results in the business environment. Or so it would seem, however many business approaches and techniques are taught in a vacuum isolated away from the you and me, the individual. So that was what the phenomenally growing series is all about.

Since it’s launch 3 months ago we have delivered more than 100,000 video downloads and reached into the hearts and minds of so many aspiring folks, who if you like me believe so much business improvement misses that vital ingredient – the you and me. The SPO series addresses head on how to achieve personal success. Get that right and everything else will follow.

So time to pay homage to my inspirators (is that actually a word?) that encouraged my successful career and enable me to share some of those hard won secrets so that you too can achieve extraordinary things and live your life to its full potential.

Pleasingly I am still younger than any and all of these guys…

Richard Bandler

Richard Bandler
The co-founder of NLP and an inspiration over the last five decades.
Author of numerous books and materials that variously help you transform the way you see and experience the world.

He helped me see beyond the limiting hallucinations around our business and personal lives.

John Grinder
John Grinder
The other co-founder of NLP. Worked with Richard Bandler to formulate and explore NLP. The more sober of the two he eventually went his separate way to explore the meanings and structure beyond NLP. 
His fine language structures will help you to reframe the way you describe the world so others can have better life experiences.
Steve Andreas & Steve Towers
Steve Andreas
My truest mentor. In fact he helped Bandler and Grinder structure much of their work and his enormous modesty and insights continue to help people see and feel better.
Shunning the limelight of Bandler and Grinder he has been and continues to be a global inspiration to many.
Steve’s softly spoken ways helped me explore those inner resources that we can all discover with a little help.
Charles Faulkner

Charles Faulkner
Brilliant and witty his teachings occasionally run ahead of his students, only to later reveal those ‘ah-ah’ moments that change the world forever.

A gifted speaker and coach he pushes you to ask for more. He helps you to seek the truth beyond your previous limitations and in doing so be a better you.

Wilf Proudfoot

Wilf Proudfoot
Now this guy was a genius. In so many walks of life he redefined our world. He created pirate radio. He launched the world’s first supermarkets. As a Member of Parliament and politician he steered Britain to decimalisation (you need to understand the British to see what an achievement that was!).

He is an unsung hero to many in so many different ways. For me he introduced a new universe of thinking and practice. It was Wilfs inspiration that brought me to Colorado. It was his teachings that opened the door to Customer Centric and Outside-In thinking. He is most likely the reason why I enjoy doing all this stuff.

Virginia Satir
Our paths never crossed however her work around family and child therapies has inspired so many to bring that learning into our everyday lives. Virginia inspired me to become a Medical Hypnotherapist to explore how we can help each other help each other. Her work and writings are still fresh and incisive as a recommended read on the journey to self knowledge on behalf of others.

I would encourage you to explore these folks (Google/Wikipedia etc.) and drawdown just some of their works. At the least it will add color to your life, and if you are receptive will potentially change your universe forever.

God bless you all,
Steve – a personal self improvement series. – a not for profit business club helping businesses transform – a business methodology inspired by customers and Outside-In thinking – that’s me that is 🙂

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Who is your Guide and Mentor?

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”
― Isaac Newton,

We should all have mentors. People who have taught us the fundamental values of life, its meaning and its ways. Of course many of us will look directly to our parents and siblings for they give us the very structure and meaning to our early learning. Beyond that we all come into contact, sometimes without knowing, of great minds and inspirational folks.

Steve Andreas and Steve Towers, Colorado 2005

I have been privileged in my life to meet and spend time with truly extraordinary (and to me mind blowing people) in many walks of life, personal, business, family and trusted friends. 

Today I want to link you with and share the thoughts of someone who I read, watched and subsequently met. An unsung hero to many he inspires us daily and I would say he his responsible for many of my thoughts and teachings on Successful Customer Outcomes and Outside In. 

If you are looking for that extra insight, that thing that can move your soul I can heartily recommend Steve’s work. You will find personal and spiritual guidance that hopefully, like me, provides you with a constant source of ah-ah moments and helps you with others. Enjoy.

This is lifted directly from Steve’s blog – you can link to the full article here and after the introduction.

Oh, and PS. – for client read also organization!

Client Intervention Planning Exercise

Many approaches to therapy are purely, or mostly, reactive. The classic example is Freud’s analytic method of sitting behind the couch out of sight of the client, quietly listening, and only occasionally making interpretations about what the client says. Carl Rogers listened and reflected back the words and feelings that clients expressed, in what was called “non-directive listening,” or “active listening.” In many other current approaches, the therapist allows the client to talk freely, and responds to what they say. These approaches usually result in a wandering dialogue that may have little relevance to the client’s outcome — what Fritz Perls often called “free dissociation.”

However, master therapists such as Milton Erickson, Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir were very, very active in interrupting the client’s problem trance state. And they used injunctive language — “Do this,” “Try this” — to elicit alternate states and understandings that were more useful. Erickson used overt hypnosis to create alternate realities, while Satir used her personal expressiveness and role-plays to achieve similar effects without overt hypnosis — and she didn’t like hypnosis. However, an instruction such as, “Get down on your knees to show that you are little,” was a pretty explicit instruction for age regression, a classic hypnotic method. Perls used the “empty chair” to embody troublesome people and events from the client’s past, evoking not only age regression, but what is supposedly one of the most difficult of hypnotic phenomena, positive hallucination, simply by saying, “Put your mother in the chair; what would she say?”

These therapists also deliberately planned the sequence of what they expected to do in a session to reach the client’s outcome, while at the same time respecting, utilizing, and responding to whatever the client did in the session.

In this article I want to present a description of what a client presented to a therapist, ask you to pause to consider what you might do, and make a “treatment plan” outline of what you would do with him.
In a recent article in the Psychotherapy Networker magazine, “Living with the Devil You Know,” (January/February 2013)                                    you can link to the full article here