Holacracy, Organispheres and Customer Centricity – Fad or Fiction?

Ii is a world of hyperbole and it would be easy to overlook this books claim of ‘revolutionary’ and the abolition of hierarchy . More of the same copy-writer promises that quickly prove unfounded when you delve into the first chapter? Not so with this one.

Some folks may already know of Brian J. Robertson from his early days as inventor of the Commodore 64. And yes I can hold my hand up to that one also having spent many late nights mastering donkey kong in an earlier phase of existence. Now Brian plays in Google and his insights provide a powerful read that most likely will cause you to reassess the way you think of management systems. Or don’t bother and you may end up like Kodak.

You can get the book here 

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The Focus has shifted from Inside-Out to Outside-In

I am frequently asked to summarise the difference between the inside-out industrial/information age mindset, and that of Outside-In (think Apple, Google, Zara, Zappos, Emirates etc.) thinking and practice. So here to answer that request (and from a section in my upcoming new book) is the overview.

Over the following weeks we will delve into each area and I will provide examples and case studies of each aspect of this Copernican shift.

The Focus has shifted from Inside-Out to Outside-In

Industrial/Information Age Customer Age

People Silo’s Multi functional
Specialist Multi skilled
Isolated Relationships
Awards – Time served Awards – Value Created
Autocratic Dynamic (to suit the needs)
Processes Doing things right Doing the right things and doing things right
Manufacturing mindset Customer Experience
Tasks/Activities and Outputs Outcomes and SCO’s
Stocks Flows
Products Services
Left to Right, Top to Bottom Customer Centric
IT Algorithmic Heuristic
Hierarchical Hyperlinked
Analytical Understanding
Ownership Access
Strategy Top Down Inclusive
Structured and Rigid eg 5 yr plans Agile and Adaptive
Tablets of stone Continual Alignment to SCO’s
Market/product focus Customer/expectation focus
Customers Uninformed Prosumer
Loyal Promiscuous
Forgiving Rebellious
Locked-In Demand Flexibility
Compliant and managed High Expectations and fickle
Single channel Multi channel
(c) 2012 Steve Towers

Next week we’ll start by reviewing the Customer Aspect

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