When you say End to End what do YOU mean?

Nearly four years ago this question roused us all from our slumbers and continues to trouble many. Over on Linked In you can browse the various (and sometimes quite alarming) perspectives from noted to thinkers and leaders. Feel free to chip in and we will shortly summarise the key points for all to share 🙂

Review the story so far and join the debate at: http://lnkd.in/bvMTRXs

Process, Performance, Outside In. Keeping touch via Twitter and the blogs – Let’s join hands

Linked-In http://bit.ly/joinbpgroup helps us all exchange information and is a very useful resource as part of being a successful business professional.

Three places to complement Linked-In include:

Twitter: http://twitter.com/stowers
Successful Customer Outcomes: http://bit.ly/SCOblog
BP Community blog: http://bit.ly/bplatest

Oh and of course I would love to connect directly and exchange: http://bit.ly/LinkWithSteve