PEX Sydney a very good customer experience

My annual visit to present, judge and deliver the PEX CPP Program at this splendid event on Darling Harbour did not disappoint.
See below for my presentation on the theme of raising the bar to win customer gold.

This year an eclectic mix of speakers and subjects kept us enthralled throughout. Chair this year was evergreen Morgan Jones (BOC) who lifted energy levels, provided great entertainment (I noted a few of his cheesy jokes) and most of connected everyone with a mix of insight, professionalism and skill.

Morgan can be rightfully pleased with himself as this year he was the recipient of the Best Improvement Manager of the year Award, and recipient of a very well deserved Most Valuable Contribution to BI in Australasia Award.

Morgan Jones, BOC received not one but two Awards!

It isn’t often we see Morgan speechless however that evening was one of those occasions!

A feature of the event is the cocktail evening which provides opportunities to network and exchange those new war stories. Lisa Ao and Ross Clayton of IQPC did a splendid job as hosts to keep proceedings moving and ensure we all had a great time.

The winner of the Best BI Award was Sven Verbreek Wolthuys – D.E Coffee and Tea. His work across Sara Lee is an inspiration to all.

The presentation I was asked to deliver addressed the theme of new customer expectations. How can we get in front of the song and make sure we control our processes to deliver Successful Customer Outcomes? Enjoy!